
Your location in Sipsey, Alabama impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Sipsey, AL the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Sipsey 4382 8 923
Tarrant 5,050 11 932
Blount County 45,199 5 956
Hueytown 12,947 5 952
Rock Creek 1,203 4 985
Locust Fork 7,049 3 959
Gardendale 18,459 3 978
Colony 274 12 931
Manchester 3,214 8 919
Fairfield 8,770 6 944
Cullman 19,775 5 951
Simcoe 5,856 7 956
Empire 1,927 9 907
Hayden 10,138 6 957
Cordova 2,654 6 914
Fairview 330 6 928
Jasper 19,070 6 957
Mount Olive 3,262 3 995
Berry 2,935 4 919
Glen Allen 383 5 913
Palmerdale 4,697 2 992

Better incomes in Sipsey, AL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Sipsey 24,443 923
Mount Olive 28,833 995
Lipscomb 19,811 921
Natural Bridge 23,241 989
Fayette 20,474 921
Glen Allen 14,813 913
Graysville 19,949 940
McDonald Chapel 20,945 922
Danville 21,827 950
Lynn 17,836 929
Falkville 19,945 945
Concord 26,538 971
Jasper 22,866 957
West Point 26,804 947
Carbon Hill 16,483 916
Cordova 19,451 914
Logan 18,643 937
Locust Fork 22,421 959
Haleyville 18,970 934
Winfield 23,083 948
Welti 20,142 934

More poverty in Sipsey, AL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Sipsey 599 11 923
Nectar 42 10 933
Lynn 410 19 929
Colony 78 23 931
Robbins Crossroads 436 8 947
Blount County 8,396 14 956
Cleveland 508 13 936
Kimberly 932 9 974
Empire 575 25 907
North Johns 442 8 962
Arley 108 17 931
Eldridge 51 32 931
Blountsville 1,142 16 941
Good Hope 449 19 939
Grayson Valley 306 5 952
Winfield 1,034 18 948
Berry 601 16 919
Cullman 5,147 20 951
Hayden 954 7 957
Falkville 537 10 945
Hueytown 1,422 8 952

Advanced Education levels in Sipsey, AL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Sipsey 315 8 923
Edgewater 40 6 919
Parrish 130 4 927
Oakville 142 9 939
Brighton 138 6 915
Arley 27 5 931
Vinemont 428 7 948
Pleasant Grove 1,184 16 976
Rock Creek 109 11 985
Danville 411 8 950
Morris 204 16 986
Dora 247 4 944
Cullman 1,744 10 951
Center Point 1,165 11 950
Cleveland 166 6 936
Wegra 74 7 918
County Line 46 23 961
Oakman 99 4 936
Berry 137 5 919
Maytown 169 5 949
Dodge City 48 8 929