
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Russell, AR Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Russell, AR the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Russell 391 9 1050
Union 7,444 4 1,121
Francure 216 1 1,027
Beedeville 66 0 1,055
Salado 961 8 1,111
Departee 225 5 1,063
Chrisp 1,038 2 1,133
Batesville 7,866 4 1,093
Cane 1,150 1 1,094
McRae 712 1 1,062
Sulphur Rock 333 5 1,067
Rosie 437 2 1,060
Big Bottom-Wycough-Logan 1,715 5 1,070
Concord 228 8 1,066
Guthrie 871 9 1,122
Brushy Lake 318 0 1,093
Jacksonport 153 3 1,036
Mountain 608 5 1,106
Village 2,718 1 1,038
Grassey 1,070 5 1,061
White County 60,690 4 1,095

Better incomes in Russell, AR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Russell 14689 1050
Barnes 70,663 1,173
Francure 20,248 1,027
Beebe 21,150 1,116
Jackson County 16,095 1,066
Brushy Lake 26,287 1,093
Fisher 19,570 1,066
Coldwell 20,893 1,052
Grassey 17,308 1,061
White River 17,476 1,078
Gray 21,434 1,124
Ruddell 17,615 1,088
Point 23,008 1,061
Augusta 18,113 1,072
Coffey 25,791 1,115
Garden 14,100 1,121
Huff 18,806 1,043
Amagon 12,060 1,029
Union 21,984 1,121
Mountain 19,105 1,106
Velvet Ridge 26,016 1,089

More poverty in Russell, AR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Russell 87 15 1050
Coldwell 7 0 1,052
Griffithville 66 38 1,089
Jackson County 3,899 25 1,066
Grassey 194 15 1,061
Beebe 1,992 28 1,116
Fairview 256 15 1,057
Woodruff County 1,747 24 1,067
Patterson 111 27 1,046
McJester 63 13 1,060
Diaz 536 30 1,076
Cane 84 5 1,094
Velvet Ridge 86 9 1,089
Sulphur Rock 67 16 1,067
McRae 246 28 1,062
Augusta 747 29 1,072
Campbell Station 70 22 1,058
Antioch 84 16 1,147
Bradford 307 30 1,068
Crosby 0 0 1,121
Tuckerman 379 18 1,062

Advanced Education levels in Russell, AR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Russell 15 4 1050
Gum Springs 739 25 1,167
East Peter Creek 27 3 1,098
Jacksonport 2 1 1,036
Hickory Plain 33 8 1,087
Kensett 35 2 1,054
Jackson County 820 6 1,066
Sulphur Rock 9 3 1,067
Salado 74 8 1,111
Bateman 0 0 1,016
Gravel Hill 46 14 1,089
Denmark 0 0 1,147
Fairview 37 3 1,057
De View 173 8 1,081
Cow Lake 12 6 1,033
Grassey 51 5 1,061
Garner 19 10 951
Amagon 0 0 1,029
Pumpkin Bend 46 40 1,107
Liberty 56 4 1,067
McCrory 145 9 1,090