
Where we Live in Madison, Arkansas counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Madison, AR the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Madison 13808 6 1075
Haynes 194 12 1,046
Raymond 51 21 1,055
Marvell 899 13 1,074
Wynne 7,102 5 1,096
Memphis 19,333 9 1,092
De View 2,200 4 1,081
Hornor 6,867 10 1,067
Fisher 227 5 1,066
Parkin 1,089 6 1,071
Coldwater 367 10 1,090
Upper Surrounded Hill 94 0 1,063
Bedford 564 0 1,067
Augusta 2,057 9 1,072
Aubrey 178 7 1,045
Tyronza 2,446 13 1,061
Spring Creek 1,254 4 1,074
Mississippi 19,507 9 1,093
Moro 307 4 1,053
Mitchell 1,116 4 1,077
Hicksville 333 41 1,035

Better incomes in Madison, AR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Madison 13,919 1,075
Texas 14,002 1,084
Keevil 21,151 1,078
Cherry Valley 16,457 1,069
Hughes 11,223 1,050
Tunica, MS 23,029 951
Cache 17,597 1,059
Goodwin 17,310 1,064
Wynne 18,660 1,096
Wheatley 19,814 1,074
Marvell 13,134 1,074
Black Fish 10,423 1,145
Caldwell 24,027 1,120
Earle 11,163 1,052
Widener 12,963 1,039
Augusta 18,113 1,072
Smith 26,649 1,115
Palestine 16,555 1,071
Horseshoe Lake 23,386 1,063
Tyronza 11,690 1,061
Mississippi 17,152 1,093

More poverty in Madison, AR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Madison 4384 32 1075
Franks 109 12 1,214
Lexa 64 25 1,057
Brushy Lake 22 6 1,093
Jennette 20 17 1,073
Walls, MS 190 26 966
Jasper 1,795 12 1,132
Cypress Ridge 7 5 1,059
L'Anguille 59 17 1,027
Hindman 61 38 1,125
Lucas 121 15 1,142
White Oak, MS 234 32 923
Colt 64 19 1,078
Aubrey 28 13 1,045
Beedeville 38 30 1,055
Cleburne 68 9 1,092
Tunica, MS 295 22 951
Rondo 216 64 1,072
Monroe County 2,135 26 1,067
Garden 0 0 1,121
Independence 1,837 36 1,063

Advanced Education levels in Madison, AR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Madison 953 8 1075
Marvell 31 4 1,074
Tyronza 89 4 1,061
Lexa 10 5 1,057
Telico 112 7 1,086
West Helena 718 10 1,060
Beedeville 0 0 1,055
Hornor 456 7 1,067
Caldwell 53 10 1,120
Tupelo 4 3 1,047
Point 0 0 1,061
Fair Oaks 0 0 1,155
Fisher 7 3 1,066
Tunica Resorts, MS 136 12 966
Goodwin 29 6 1,064
Hickory Ridge 118 12 1,052
Lee County 336 4 1,059
Ellis 28 9 1,063
Cotton Plant 25 4 1,069
Raymond 10 19 1,055
Jasper 1,522 17 1,132