
Get a wider perspective on the Nashville, Arkansas home insurance market to save your money.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Nashville, AR the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Nashville 4659 5 1080
Bear Creek 5,939 7 1,072
Hempstead County 17,248 5 1,073
Noland 327 2 1,091
Pike City 232 3 1,055
Perrytown 314 10 1,098
Dierks 780 9 1,049
Blue Ridge 245 6 1,028
Red Lick, TX 844 4 1,075
Boughton 414 0 1,103
Antoine 724 0 1,073
Pike County 8,873 5 1,079
Norman 727 1 1,058
Mineral 864 0 1,105
County Line 353 3 1,120
Hopper 132 0 1,042
Duckett 6 0 1,017
Jeff Davis 233 0 1,087
Jewell 139 0 1,115
Amity 690 7 1,079
Horatio 871 5 1,058

Better incomes in Nashville, AR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Nashville 17,370 1,080
Wolf Creek 21,385 1,065
Blevins 18,236 1,058
Lick Creek 25,404 1,112
Jackson 22,568 1,071
Big Fork 21,593 1,119
Bear Creek 13,519 1,072
Yarborough Landing 20,146 1,074
Black Springs 12,085 1,070
Texarkana, TX 23,861 1,025
Arden 21,795 1,056
Jefferson 18,998 1,076
Bodcaw 24,906 1,081
Center Point 13,327 1,100
Saratoga 47,078 1,060
Noland 13,617 1,091
Emmet 20,256 1,075
Dillard 20,775 1,067
Lockesburg 19,322 1,080
Parker 20,587 1,075
Garland 20,439 1,092

More poverty in Nashville, AR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Nashville 1648 26 1080
Hopper 6 3 1,042
Homan 0 0 1,016
Ben Lomond 73 29 1,077
Ozan 74 7 1,088
Wallaceburg 467 45 1,086
Center Point 95 16 1,100
Lockesburg 98 16 1,080
Self Creek 55 10 1,053
Big Fork 40 22 1,119
Howard County 3,217 23 1,079
Holly Creek 0 0 1,037
Texarkana, TX 10,350 18 1,025
Daisy 19 15 1,047
Nevada County 2,399 27 1,074
Buck Range 0 0 1,075
Jewell 46 23 1,115
Perrytown 136 31 1,098
Gillham 36 23 1,077
Mineral 95 9 1,105
Duckett 0 0 1,017

Advanced Education levels in Nashville, AR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Nashville 257 6 1080
Red River 20 4 1,103
Red Lick, TX 126 17 1,075
Missouri 206 7 1,076
Bois d'Arc 18 4 1,025
Nevada County 441 7 1,074
Wallaceburg 62 9 1,086
Burg 0 0 1,228
Jeff Davis 0 0 1,087
Jewell 10 8 1,115
Clear Creek 85 4 1,072
Okolona 6 4 1,078
Perrytown 53 21 1,098
Antoine 20 3 1,073
Ben Lomond 13 6 1,077
Self Creek 25 6 1,053
Winthrop 3 2 1,068
Albany 23 9 1,070
Homan 0 0 1,016
Texarkana, TX 5,543 14 1,025
Blue Bayou 0 0 1,126