
A Look at what important things contribute to your De Queen, Arkansas Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in De Queen, AR the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
De Queen 4600 8 1078
White 1,848 3 1,069
Bois d'Arc 502 2 1,025
Gap Springs 105 0 996
Brewer 487 2 1,084
Hooks, TX 4,472 2 996
Redland 617 4 1,057
McNab 60 3 1,030
Nash, TX 2,091 4 1,004
Winthrop 116 5 1,068
Millerton, OK 244 6 1,399
Antoine 724 0 1,073
Muddy Fork 120 0 1,178
Ben Lomond 217 4 1,077
Mine Creek 1,136 2 1,074
Ouachita 580 2 1,131
Bear Creek 5,939 7 1,072
Vandervoort 108 0 1,043
Ozan 980 2 1,088
Mena 4,716 4 1,084
Ogden 183 1 1,036

Better incomes in De Queen, AR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
De Queen 12,651 1,078
Broken Bow, OK 17,714 1,422
Dierks 16,386 1,049
Hatfield 19,324 1,073
Dillard 20,775 1,067
Texarkana, TX 23,861 1,025
County Line 25,425 1,120
Daisy 19,297 1,047
Muddy Fork 20,061 1,178
Nashville 17,370 1,080
McNab 23,893 1,030
Valliant, OK 17,248 1,411
Bois d'Arc 20,059 1,025
Nash, TX 26,317 1,004
New Boston, TX 18,611 1,011
Little River County 20,081 1,078
Eagletown, OK 14,951 1,398
Tollette 14,896 1,079
Holly Creek 15,899 1,037
Kirby 16,944 1,052
White 15,870 1,069

More poverty in De Queen, AR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
De Queen 2589 40 1078
Yarborough Landing 39 10 1,074
Murfreesboro 320 19 1,088
Jackson 348 17 1,071
Muddy Fork 0 0 1,178
Red River 17 2 1,103
Ben Lomond 73 29 1,077
Pike County 2,299 20 1,079
Wilton 109 19 1,049
Thompson 350 14 1,084
Polk County 4,373 21 1,085
Nash, TX 650 21 1,004
Kirby 147 24 1,052
Gap Springs 4 3 996
Buck Range 0 0 1,075
Vandervoort 100 59 1,043
Bear Creek 3,063 37 1,072
Red Colony 297 23 1,068
Horatio 345 26 1,058
McCurtain County, OK 8,777 27 1,418
Ouachita 47 6 1,131

Advanced Education levels in De Queen, AR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
De Queen 154 4 1078
Yarborough Landing 23 8 1,074
Red Lick, TX 126 17 1,075
Daisy 11 12 1,047
Haworth, OK 11 5 1,374
Duckett 6 100 1,017
Mineral Springs 50 6 1,076
Nash, TX 113 6 1,004
Red River 20 4 1,103
Dierks 46 6 1,049
Paraclifta 14 5 1,062
Gap Springs 11 10 996
Buck Range 16 8 1,075
Foreman 133 15 1,075
Saratoga 34 28 1,060
Wickes 46 10 1,054
County Line 13 4 1,120
De Kalb, TX 359 8 1,011
McCurtain County, OK 1,844 8 1,418
Cove 73 6 1,093
Arden 26 6 1,056