
A Look at what matters in Dallas County, Arkansas Home Insurance to help you focus on the right things to lower your quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Dallas County, AR the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Dallas County 6363 4 1056
Bragg 449 33 1,054
Lonsdale 65 3 1,067
De Roche 1,147 2 1,102
Vaugine 37,822 9 1,074
Tennessee 740 4 1,064
Fordyce 3,747 7 1,064
Harrell 216 6 1,040
Southall 350 1 1,080
Fenter 11,273 4 1,084
Merry Green 5,591 4 1,102
Montgomery 967 0 1,062
Clark County 19,150 6 1,089
Lone Hill 602 2 1,087
Calhoun County 4,477 4 1,066
Bradley 1,666 7 1,085
Tull 353 3 1,115
Hudgin 242 0 1,128
Staves 169 0 1,109
Manchester 167 0 1,105
Gurdon 1,844 7 1,064

Better incomes in Dallas County, AR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Dallas County 17,056 1,056
Shaw 22,202 1,120
Chidester 15,588 1,071
Talladega 20,321 1,093
Clark County 18,322 1,089
Banks 11,966 1,070
Niven 29,228 1,099
Hudgin 19,023 1,128
Darysaw 17,234 1,065
Pine Bluff 16,798 1,076
Simpson 26,215 1,114
Thornton 19,834 1,060
Holly Springs 17,643 1,035
Gifford 20,022 1,078
Georgia 31,828 1,083
Perla 15,754 1,070
Sparkman 14,574 1,053
Magnet 22,784 1,135
Fairplay 24,460 1,160
Bradley 15,923 1,085
Leola 10,449 1,054

More poverty in Dallas County, AR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Dallas County 1386 18 1056
Rye 15 18 1,087
Nix 0 0 1,017
Holly Springs 16 7 1,035
Tinsman 0 0 1,032
Simpson 120 7 1,114
Gurdon 524 22 1,064
Miller 64 11 1,078
Ecore Fabre 2,119 24 1,079
Traskwood 226 33 1,056
Magnet 118 4 1,135
Perla 52 36 1,070
Camden 2,608 22 1,077
Haskell 547 12 1,105
Thornton 67 12 1,060
Butterfield 79 7 1,058
Lafayette 1,009 17 1,075
Hot Spring County 4,463 14 1,087
Pennington 2,040 24 1,071
Ouachita County 5,180 20 1,070
Merry Green 391 5 1,102

Advanced Education levels in Dallas County, AR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Dallas County 429 7 1056
Bismarck 66 3 1,090
Lake Hamilton 2,420 17 1,139
Kingsland 39 6 1,043
Manchester 15 9 1,105
Princeton 4 2 1,072
Dry Run 0 0 1,064
Staves 52 43 1,109
Woodlawn 0 0 1,080
Arkadelphia 838 16 1,109
Bethesda 22 15 1,067
Harper 28 8 1,096
Sparkman 20 4 1,053
Rye 0 0 1,087
Holly Springs 9 5 1,035
Calhoun County 198 5 1,066
Tennessee 11 1 1,064
Talladega 99 10 1,093
Tull 26 8 1,115
Banks 7 4 1,070
Bluff City 0 0 1,053