
Home location is a big driver of your Clarksville, Arkansas insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Clarksville, AR the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Clarksville 7188 4 1094
Stonewall 267 0 1,058
Pottsville 2,139 5 1,108
Dutch Creek 55 0 1,096
Waveland 133 0 1,881
Hogan 1,247 4 1,067
Hilburn 247 1 1,086
Driggs 436 6 1,079
Centerville 819 7 1,064
Convenience 705 2 1,061
Scranton 251 5 1,079
Bayliss 640 1 1,107
Havana 193 6 1,091
Lamar 1,429 4 1,089
Ferguson 1,082 6 1,090
Wiederkehr Village 22 4 1,172
Spadra 8,903 4 1,085
Griffin 759 2 1,060
Roseville 310 0 1,083
Wittich 796 5 1,068
Atkins 2,213 6 1,083

Better incomes in Clarksville, AR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Clarksville 15,669 1,094
Hogan 18,100 1,067
Hilburn 19,667 1,086
Red Lick 30,422 1,121
Stonewall 14,136 1,058
Johnson County 19,422 1,084
Havana 18,182 1,091
McKennon 21,458 1,122
Herring 19,023 1,078
Shoal Creek 15,326 1,152
Dardanelle 18,098 1,101
Atkins 17,074 1,083
Russellville 19,078 1,109
London 18,296 1,087
Wittich 18,416 1,068
Roseville 17,072 1,083
Driggs 23,601 1,079
Six Mile 24,295 1,103
Convenience 19,039 1,061
Ola 14,821 1,065
Watalula 19,747 1,052

More poverty in Clarksville, AR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Clarksville 1961 22 1094
Roseville 0 0 1,083
Hickey 0 0 1,261
Altus 141 16 1,068
Delaware 225 29 1,086
Lamar 672 36 1,089
Danville 875 30 1,078
Pittsburg 695 26 1,083
Convenience 362 36 1,061
Cravens 0 0 1,129
London 211 21 1,087
Six Mile 39 3 1,103
McIlroy 24 37 1,214
Branch 96 21 1,061
Grant 411 27 1,061
Charleston 306 12 1,069
Weaver 27 10 1,137
Hogan 226 13 1,067
Reveilee 136 11 1,062
Subiaco 85 22 1,086
Galla 451 9 1,119

Advanced Education levels in Clarksville, AR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Clarksville 666 12 1094
Knoxville 45 8 1,095
Driggs 52 13 1,079
Convenience 30 4 1,061
Pottsville 131 7 1,108
Herring 0 0 1,078
Johnson County 1,889 11 1,084
Wittich 67 10 1,068
London 57 7 1,087
Limestone 0 0 1,016
Middle 43 6 1,132
Hogan 48 4 1,067
Belleville 11 3 1,079
McKennon 14 2 1,122
Watalula 11 3 1,052
Bayliss 39 7 1,107
Dover 532 14 1,109
Altus 17 3 1,068
White Rock 0 0 1,137
Waveland 21 15 1,881
Danville 101 5 1,078