
Read about what plays a Big Role in Ruddell, Arkansas Home Insurance to understand what drives rates & to get a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Ruddell, AR the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Ruddell 7907 4 1088
Marcella 103 0 1,061
McHue 3,084 7 1,098
Guthrie 871 9 1,122
Independence County 28,638 4 1,090
Pickens 385 5 1,132
Cleburne County 21,491 5 1,118
Denmark 194 0 1,147
Grassey 1,070 5 1,061
Lynn 172 1 1,063
Piney Fork 1,001 6 1,072
Healing Springs 782 5 1,079
Izard County 11,332 5 1,076
Drytown 398 4 1,079
McJester 386 3 1,060
Dota 762 9 1,076
Harris 755 12 1,191
Clay 686 2 1,052
Sidney 279 8 1,036
Barren 1,245 4 1,091
Concord 228 8 1,066

Better incomes in Ruddell, AR lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Ruddell 17,615 1,088
Pickens 23,296 1,132
Harris 19,708 1,191
Cushman 13,457 1,074
Tumbling Shoals 29,924 1,142
Union 14,092 1,071
Big Bottom-Wycough-Logan 19,352 1,070
Melbourne 19,123 1,083
Sharp County 15,883 1,076
Healing Springs 16,336 1,079
Salado 30,874 1,111
Drytown 23,172 1,079
Gid 18,856 1,064
Grassey 17,308 1,061
Lynn 17,040 1,063
Barren Fork 25,845 1,081
Glaize 12,795 1,035
Arbana 14,919 1,364
Newburg 16,180 1,063
Dota 16,527 1,076
Campbell Station 16,946 1,058

More poverty in Ruddell, AR means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Ruddell 2902 30 1088
Jacksonport 30 18 1,036
Pangburn 133 19 1,079
Newport 1,698 32 1,063
Stone County 2,519 20 1,096
Cushman 134 26 1,074
Big Bottom-Wycough-Logan 558 24 1,070
Claiborne 13 20 1,108
Bradford 307 30 1,068
Ashley 280 27 1,083
McHue 1,009 26 1,098
Davidson 17 11 1,017
Coldwell 7 0 1,052
Violet Hill 0 0 1,098
Horseshoe Bend 360 16 1,074
Tuckerman 379 18 1,062
Sulphur Rock 67 16 1,067
Marshell 49 20 1,095
Big Spring 0 0 1,024
Huff 74 17 1,043
West Sullivan 38 8 1,084

Advanced Education levels in Ruddell, AR implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Ruddell 618 9 1088
Grassey 51 5 1,061
Big Bottom-Wycough-Logan 74 4 1,070
Lacrosse 0 0 1,048
Jackson County 820 6 1,066
Heber Springs 588 11 1,114
Cushman 12 3 1,074
Bradford 26 3 1,068
East Peter Creek 27 3 1,098
Pleasant Plains 6 2 1,056
Big Spring 5 4 1,024
Big Rock 0 0 1,016
McJester 66 19 1,060
Sage 16 11 1,025
Smart 0 0 1,115
Smithville 6 9 1,055
Lave Creek 12 5 1,091
Gid 31 11 1,064
Drytown 61 25 1,079
Healing Springs 120 17 1,079
Oil Trough 12 2 1,080