
See what's important for Safford, Arizona Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Safford, AZ the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Safford 18919 5 610
Luna, NM 137 0 718
Lordsburg, NM 2,335 8 660
Whiteriver 3,025 26 584
Graham County 27,745 5 605
Swift Trail Junction 2,040 9 579
Whetstone 2,353 1 603
Rainbow City 869 19 606
Arenas Valley, NM 1,123 0 668
Canyon Day 629 11 585
Oracle 3,322 6 622
Cotton City, NM 225 4 671
Lower Frisco, NM 5 0 629
San Carlos 4,095 7 582
Grant County, NM 24,047 4 674
Bryce 89 7 621
Saddlebrooke 8,703 1 672
Tucson 686,710 5 622
Greenlee County 6,346 6 592
Duncan 1,805 5 595
Dudleyville 635 9 613

Better incomes in Safford, AZ lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Safford 19,232 610
Oracle 27,047 622
Tyrone, NM 23,542 674
Fort Thomas 16,102 583
Tanque Verde 43,943 678
San Jose 16,927 594
Willcox 23,650 600
Cutter 42,511 585
Middle Frisco, NM 10,997 651
White Signal, NM 29,073 737
Luna, NM 36,374 718
Mescal 27,558 600
Santa Clara, NM 15,332 664
San Carlos 10,153 582
Cotton City, NM 19,865 671
Whiteriver 9,256 584
Rodeo, NM 8,992 708
Hurley, NM 13,584 649
Arenas Valley, NM 23,488 668
Kearny 22,506 601
Duncan 17,547 595

More poverty in Safford, AZ means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Safford 4189 18 610
Santa Clara, NM 696 27 664
Bowie 525 25 586
Mammoth 310 24 591
Campo Bonito 0 0 567
Franklin 9 69 617
Buckhorn, NM 76 25 672
York 322 48 601
Pimaco Two 29 5 644
Whetstone 212 7 603
Playas, NM 126 68 629
Tucson 155,634 18 622
Glen Acres, NM 0 0 650
Fort Thomas 0 0 583
Cutter 27 49 585
Willcox 1,536 15 600
Cliff, NM 53 12 670
Morenci 302 15 567
Dragoon 0 0 524
Luna, NM 0 0 718
Hidalgo County, NM 1,078 22 660

Advanced Education levels in Safford, AZ implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Safford 1224 8 610
Globe 546 10 600
Hidalgo, NM 246 8 658
Seven Mile 21 4 581
Bayard, NM 94 5 659
Glenwood, NM 20 29 696
Silver City, NM 1,637 13 678
St. David 138 14 576
Clifton 421 11 588
Arenas Valley, NM 217 25 668
Cactus Flats 46 4 595
Duncan 71 4 595
Trout Valley, NM 0 0 630
Windmill, NM 0 0 653
Hidalgo County, NM 325 9 660
Klondyke 69 3 618
Alpine 5 3 574
Pima 304 11 604
Willcox 579 8 600
Benson 1,218 13 603
Canyon Day 19 3 585