
Your East Granby, Connecticut Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in East Granby, CT the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
East Granby 4030 3 862
Canton 8,131 4 885
Harwinton 2,543 6 871
Portland 7,693 5 876
Plainville 14,468 6 841
Easthampton Town, MA 13,762 5 1,019
Hartford County 715,281 6 856
Coventry 10,057 3 865
Broad Brook 3,315 8 857
Hartford 96,280 11 835
South Hadley, MA 15,216 4 1,021
Weatogue 2,137 1 883
Collinsville 2,900 5 870
Monson, MA 6,983 6 1,023
Southampton, MA 4,767 3 1,046
East Longmeadow, MA 12,426 4 1,030
Glastonbury 26,776 3 887
Somers 9,586 4 886
Simsbury Center 4,590 4 873
Salmon Brook 2,091 3 859
Terramuggus 695 4 877

Better incomes in East Granby, CT lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
East Granby 42,999 862
Plainville 31,392 841
Holyoke, MA 20,294 1,007
Tolland 44,177 870
Stafford 28,445 843
Collinsville 39,368 870
Hartford 16,448 835
Somers 34,655 886
Berlin 38,426 872
North Granby 56,509 892
Hartland 37,144 873
Montgomery, MA 34,966 1,040
Granby, MA 32,348 1,023
Southwick, MA 34,113 1,020
Burlington 43,245 885
Weatogue 53,419 883
Hazardville 34,346 835
Sherwood Manor 33,905 841
Suffield Depot 71,716 907
Chicopee, MA 24,264 1,003
Wethersfield 39,663 861

More poverty in East Granby, CT means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
East Granby 152 3 862
Newington 1,291 4 851
Glastonbury Center 202 2 881
Simsbury Center 176 2 873
Marlborough 71 1 879
Bolton 106 2 865
Granville, MA 92 6 1,037
Coventry 429 3 865
Wilbraham, MA 427 3 1,043
Southwood Acres 420 5 843
Rockville 1,726 22 831
Andover 156 4 877
Sandisfield, MA 36 4 1,022
Norfolk 99 6 871
Granby 187 1 873
Stafford Springs 480 9 839
Montgomery, MA 21 2 1,040
Weatogue 72 2 883
Wethersfield 1,371 5 861
Sherwood Manor 134 2 841
Winchester 602 5 836

Advanced Education levels in East Granby, CT implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
East Granby 850 23 862
Bloomfield 3,320 21 849
East Windsor 1,347 16 854
Canton Valley 100 9 862
Southampton, MA 674 16 1,046
Tolland 2,590 25 870
Wethersfield 4,603 23 861
Enfield 5,030 15 839
West Hartford 12,074 27 875
New Hartford 1,211 24 864
Broad Brook 619 21 857
Granby, MA 704 15 1,023
Hampden, MA 685 18 1,033
Suffield Depot 316 35 907
Easthampton Town, MA 2,226 18 1,019
Blue Hills 119 6 829
Hartland 339 21 873
Winchester 895 11 836
Kensington 1,331 20 867
New Hartford Center 164 15 846
Salmon Brook 505 26 859