
Read about what plays a Big Role in Columbia, Connecticut Home Insurance to understand what drives rates & to get a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Columbia, CT the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Columbia 4466 4 867
Willimantic 14,124 9 831
Windsor 23,319 5 856
East Brooklyn 1,363 3 855
Ledyard 11,423 4 861
Eastford 1,365 4 862
Glastonbury 26,776 3 887
Enfield 37,218 4 839
Glastonbury Center 6,041 1 881
Griswold 9,589 6 846
Pomfret 3,351 6 888
Coventry 10,057 3 865
Lyme 1,886 3 937
Manchester 47,315 5 844
East Lyme 16,057 4 885
Hebron 7,250 4 885
Mashantucket 144 2 913
Hartford 96,280 11 835
Preston 3,864 5 866
Wauregan 1,009 3 836
Mansfield 23,630 2 858

Better incomes in Columbia, CT lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Columbia 40,357 867
Rocky Hill 39,785 861
Lake Pocotopaug 42,723 852
Moosup 26,977 833
Oxoboxo River 32,577 841
Ledyard 38,112 861
Middletown 32,205 855
Gales Ferry 37,050 850
Moodus 38,057 866
Deep River 40,988 873
Coventry 37,212 865
East Hartford 25,549 836
Canterbury 31,443 862
East Windsor 33,078 854
Hampton 38,353 863
Ashford 39,095 854
Deep River Center 33,140 864
Storrs 8,993 866
Broad Brook 34,567 857
Bolton 43,525 865
Vernon 34,483 846

More poverty in Columbia, CT means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Columbia 208 3 867
Stafford Springs 480 9 839
Deep River Center 107 4 864
Ellington 420 2 866
Chester 237 5 873
Bolton 106 2 865
Franklin 57 2 864
Middlesex County 9,517 5 872
Essex 294 4 921
Danielson 568 14 828
Moosup 410 14 833
Somers 449 4 886
Conning Towers Nautilus Park 520 7 858
Essex Village 38 1 947
Deep River 116 2 873
Lisbon 202 4 856
Griswold 1,075 9 846
Storrs 1,429 40 866
Marlborough 71 1 879
Ashford 179 4 854
Plainfield Village 315 13 837

Advanced Education levels in Columbia, CT implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Columbia 852 21 867
Windham 1,528 10 834
South Woodstock 171 22 854
Haddam 1,578 27 884
Lyme 547 31 937
Andover 537 25 877
Lebanon 933 17 859
Ellington 2,403 22 866
Tolland County 19,310 19 862
Vernon 3,884 18 846
Middlefield 564 18 876
Windsor 3,845 19 856
Ledyard 2,024 19 861
Broad Brook 619 21 857
Glastonbury Center 1,720 32 881
Preston 354 10 866
Stafford 909 11 843
Conning Towers Nautilus Park 817 19 858
Terramuggus 132 21 877
Chester Center 261 20 862
Hartford 6,253 8 835