
Your location in Sussex County, Delaware impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Sussex County, DE the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Sussex County 161850 4 779
Fenwick Island 310 2 944
Worcester County, MD 43,065 5 700
Eldorado, MD 44 11 690
Wildwood Crest, NJ 2,933 5 888
Dover 59,870 5 766
Cape May Point, NJ 161 0 1,030
Greensboro, MD 1,704 9 680
Lewes 25,129 2 820
Cape May, NJ 3,150 4 937
Central Kent 19,802 5 772
Georgetown 11,472 4 774
Ellendale 217 8 752
Millville 635 2 795
Bishopville, MD 252 0 684
Houston 380 5 753
Bowers 176 2 791
Ocean Pines, MD 9,523 3 710
Milford 8,454 8 766
Delmar, MD 2,174 9 669
Seaford 18,236 6 763

Better incomes in Sussex County, DE lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Sussex County 27,165 779
Henlopen Acres 94,588 1,020
Delmar 19,956 752
Long Neck 27,010 728
Salisbury, MD 20,386 675
Williston, MD 52,964 730
Preston, MD 23,371 691
Viola 22,675 762
Willards, MD 21,017 669
Berlin, MD 26,276 697
Frankford 29,933 803
New Market, MD 24,273 683
Dagsboro 22,638 779
Fenwick Island 58,163 944
Newark, MD 29,001 673
Lower, NJ 29,345 835
Cape May Point, NJ 53,972 1,030
North Cape May, NJ 30,832 840
Fruitland, MD 25,356 677
Powellville, MD 16,755 669
Lebanon 25,611 782

More poverty in Sussex County, DE means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Sussex County 25105 12 779
Bowers 22 11 791
Dagsboro 97 9 779
Farmington 0 0 735
Kent County 19,550 12 768
Vienna, MD 14 4 683
Milton 1,379 9 795
Fruitland, MD 952 19 677
Greenwood 47 5 755
Viola 27 14 762
Millsboro 2,808 10 763
New Market, MD 41 11 683
Bethany Beach 40 5 873
Fenwick Island 7 2 944
Hebron, MD 109 10 675
Whaleyville, MD 0 0 701
Harrington 1,409 11 765
Selbyville 476 16 790
Sharptown, MD 234 22 672
Milford 1,669 16 766
Camden 318 9 769

Advanced Education levels in Sussex County, DE implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Sussex County 18689 13 779
Houston 31 10 753
Dover Base Housing 164 12 702
Milton 1,576 15 795
Eldorado, MD 0 0 690
Bishopville, MD 34 15 684
Brookview, MD 4 7 686
Long Neck 195 10 728
Greenwood 62 11 755
Wyoming 119 12 767
Parsonsburg, MD 26 8 673
Fenwick Island 65 21 944
New Market, MD 28 11 683
Kent Acres 164 14 772
Dover 6,851 14 766
Riverview 315 16 786
Harrington 900 10 765
Henlopen Acres 47 44 1,020
Central Kent 2,376 14 772
Ocean City, MD 1,356 22 709
Galestown, MD 8 8 691