
Your Anthony, FL Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Anthony, FL the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Anthony 16053 6 1134
De Leon Springs 2,892 5 1,174
Dunnellon 10,795 7 1,167
Flagler Estates 2,130 9 1,126
Hampton 5,663 9 1,169
in 16,265 2 1,162
Silver Lake 1,610 3 1,186
Okahumpka 59 0 1,071
Marion 15,974 8 1,115
Crescent City 13,823 6 1,129
High Springs 3,816 6 1,167
Williston Highlands 1,534 5 1,126
Hawthorne 4,371 12 1,128
The Villages 50,283 1 1,199
Clay County 147,549 6 1,172
Penney Farms 11,101 4 1,188
Hernando 7,806 9 1,130
Pierson 1,258 3 1,149
Morriston 148 0 1,133
Raleigh 102 22 1,093
Levy County 32,981 6 1,135

Better incomes in Anthony, FL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Anthony 15,061 1,134
Dunnellon 21,045 1,167
High Springs 21,874 1,167
Clay County 26,435 1,172
Bradford County 17,299 1,139
Crescent City 16,355 1,129
in 30,680 1,162
Sorrento 24,985 1,169
Sumter County 26,317 1,180
Williston Highlands 22,338 1,126
Lake Kathryn 9,724 1,096
La Crosse 18,274 1,125
Tavares 23,734 1,150
Flagler County 24,788 1,182
Hastings 23,696 1,144
Welaka 20,015 1,161
Inverness 22,760 1,140
Florahome 19,209 1,123
Yalaha 44,106 1,266
Beverly Hills 18,290 1,124
Black Diamond 49,714 1,279

More poverty in Anthony, FL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Anthony 3225 21 1134
Green Cove Springs 2,510 18 1,162
Palm Coast 11,124 14 1,175
Flagler Estates 379 14 1,126
Alachua County 55,398 23 1,177
Beverly Hills 1,953 24 1,124
Levy County 9,039 22 1,135
Gainesville 46,725 29 1,175
Okahumpka 59 100 1,071
Pittman 0 0 1,187
Bunnell 11,650 17 1,166
Astor 329 22 1,121
Starke 3,264 27 1,131
Fruitland Park 591 14 1,153
Lake Panasoffkee 615 16 1,145
Flagler County 13,748 14 1,182
La Crosse 57 40 1,125
Bronson 336 24 1,125
Hawthorne 1,192 23 1,128
De Leon Springs 1,189 31 1,174
Lady Lake 2,807 10 1,157

Advanced Education levels in Anthony, FL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Anthony 755 5 1134
The Villages 9,165 18 1,199
Florahome 1,386 8 1,123
Lecanto 381 8 1,143
Raleigh 47 59 1,093
Fruitland Park 224 8 1,153
Hampton 431 8 1,169
Lake County 28,837 13 1,165
Williston Highlands 12 0 1,126
Bronson 70 7 1,125
McIntosh 1,055 12 1,174
Flagler County 11,390 16 1,182
Ocala 11,414 12 1,145
Hernando 457 6 1,130
Clay County 19,813 15 1,172
Williston 214 12 1,143
Green Cove Springs 1,078 11 1,162
Coleman 6 1 1,117
Bunnell 6,879 14 1,166
Silver Lake 321 22 1,186
Alachua 6,207 23 1,181