
Take a deeper look at Franklin County, Florida home insurance cost factors to help you gain an advantage in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Franklin County, FL the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Franklin County 9904 4 1174
Apalachicola 3,535 4 1,166
Steam Mill, GA 1,984 4 847
Cottondale 2,648 8 1,115
Seminole County, GA 7,016 4 848
Bainbridge, GA 13,215 4 869
Greensboro 2,769 7 1,122
Laguna Beach 2,959 7 1,208
Wacissa 3,590 9 1,125
Springfield 7,274 5 1,150
Hosford 316 2 1,196
Upper Grand Lagoon 11,513 5 1,200
Washington County 20,145 6 1,125
Bay County 136,102 5 1,169
Cypress 4,194 6 1,126
St. Marks 216 7 1,174
Monticello 8,510 6 1,162
Pretty Bayou 2,562 5 1,205
Calvary, GA 47 0 809
Grady County, GA 19,343 5 867
Lynn Haven 17,940 3 1,174

Better incomes in Franklin County, FL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Franklin County 20,546 1,174
Leon 32,422 1,204
Calhoun County 15,328 1,121
Alford 21,504 1,114
Greensboro 17,575 1,122
Lamont 8,754 1,071
Sneads 15,306 1,126
Wakulla County 22,789 1,160
Perry 18,194 1,128
Panacea 12,340 1,174
Jefferson County 20,064 1,141
Waukeenah 18,414 1,110
Springfield 18,001 1,150
Gulf County 17,975 1,138
Laguna Beach 30,789 1,208
Apalachicola 25,266 1,166
Quincy 14,939 1,126
Youngstown 16,242 1,136
Lower Grand Lagoon 28,432 1,207
Southport 23,632 1,162
Tyndall AFB 17,010 1,071

More poverty in Franklin County, FL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Franklin County 2117 22 1174
Chipley 1,634 20 1,126
Tallahassee Central 18,229 49 1,166
Calhoun County 3,108 24 1,121
Jefferson County 2,437 18 1,141
Liberty County 1,506 22 1,113
St. Marks 11 4 1,174
Apalachicola 827 20 1,166
Climax, GA 507 27 888
Jackson County 6,457 15 1,126
Pretty Bayou 196 6 1,205
Whigham, GA 719 24 859
Leon 2,229 6 1,204
Laguna Beach 545 16 1,208
Calvary, GA 26 55 809
Grady, GA 25 6 932
Monticello 1,417 16 1,162
Quincy 7,198 32 1,126
Faceville, GA 208 13 870
Aucilla 72 39 1,071
Decatur County, GA 7,694 28 863

Advanced Education levels in Franklin County, FL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Franklin County 923 10 1174
Lake Mystic 23 6 1,132
Greenwood 363 9 1,128
Lamont 0 0 1,071
Panama City 7,122 11 1,160
Waukeenah 0 0 1,110
Blountstown 262 4 1,109
Wakulla 1,765 9 1,162
Gadsden County 2,727 8 1,136
Sopchoppy 11 4 1,129
Sneads 302 6 1,126
Aucilla 0 0 1,071
Chattahoochee 271 7 1,118
Grady, GA 57 17 932
Wausau 6 2 1,095
Tyndall AFB 280 25 1,071
Lloyd 66 22 1,097
Grady County, GA 1,024 6 867
Crawfordville 224 11 1,152
Calvary, GA 0 0 809
Seminole County, GA 435 7 848