
Study the bigger picture of the Cairo, Georgia home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Cairo, GA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Cairo 13368 6 865
Sylvester 9,175 9 851
Mitchell County 18,370 5 851
Adel 3,932 6 877
Jefferson County, FL 12,100 7 1,141
Woodville, FL 2,471 4 1,143
Branchville 644 2 842
Dixie 961 8 834
Steam Mill 1,984 4 847
Boykin 335 0 828
Wacissa, FL 3,590 9 1,125
Newton 1,835 4 845
Faceville 1,250 5 870
Thomas County 35,077 6 878
Cecil 192 5 850
Donalsonville 5,032 4 851
Sneads, FL 5,458 4 1,126
Putney 2,189 6 860
Barwick 331 16 861
Leon, FL 9,705 10 1,124
Chattahoochee, FL 4,153 4 1,118

Better incomes in Cairo, GA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Cairo 17,227 865
Decatur County 18,054 863
Coolidge 21,899 866
Colquitt County 17,830 856
Thomasville 19,812 881
Tallahassee, FL 17,971 1,146
Damascus 14,914 835
Meigs 10,358 855
Branchville 22,794 842
Mitchell County 15,912 851
Ochlocknee 18,468 893
Camilla 14,988 860
Tallahassee Central, FL 13,838 1,166
Sylvester 18,340 851
Barney 18,347 864
Norman Park 17,432 844
Lloyd, FL 19,719 1,097
Dougherty 14,827 855
Gretna, FL 11,706 1,107
Putney 21,105 860
Moultrie 17,856 863

More poverty in Cairo, GA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Cairo 5149 29 865
Empress 202 16 903
Dixie 255 19 834
Bellview 227 31 849
Sale City 354 22 845
Colquitt 649 24 847
Riverside 0 0 893
Barney 263 24 864
Albany 25,442 34 863
Berlin 158 26 844
Gadsden County, FL 13,120 29 1,136
Climax 507 27 888
Mitchell County 5,528 25 851
Iron City 114 28 846
Miller County 1,281 21 860
Leon County, FL 59,904 22 1,183
Norman Park 1,130 21 844
Reno 420 26 895
Steam Mill 367 15 847
Sylvester 2,912 24 851
Grady 79 18 852

Advanced Education levels in Cairo, GA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Cairo 701 6 865
Leon, FL 759 9 1,124
Sneads, FL 302 6 1,126
Mitchell County 1,001 6 851
Thomas County 3,091 10 878
Norman Park 172 4 844
Thomasville 2,495 11 881
Berlin 37 10 844
Greenville, FL 168 6 1,122
Greensboro, FL 77 3 1,122
Dougherty 1,088 6 855
Baker County 148 6 850
Reno 58 5 895
Wacissa, FL 193 6 1,125
Lamont, FL 0 0 1,071
Gretna, FL 27 2 1,107
Tallahassee Central, FL 3,936 22 1,166
Sale City 31 2 845
Leon County, FL 40,041 25 1,183
Mount Pleasant 108 9 831
Brooks County 916 8 869