
Your Sandersville, Georgia Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Sandersville, GA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Sandersville 6927 3 855
Sparta 5,432 10 852
Crooked Creek 790 3 927
Johnson 1,437 3 839
Taliaferro County 1,428 9 858
Glascock County 2,372 7 850
Louisville 5,099 7 856
Devereux 1,388 5 916
Blythe 536 5 860
Canoochee 76 0 831
Greensboro 7,290 3 954
Stapleton 1,539 6 853
Wilkinson County 7,460 2 846
Mitchell 637 10 834
Dudley 1,660 1 894
Sharon 352 7 837
Warrenton 1,981 7 859
Macon 15,679 8 858
Greene County 13,231 4 895
Thomson 12,172 6 865
Bartow 220 15 836

Better incomes in Sandersville, GA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Sandersville 17,082 855
Norris 17,275 846
Coopers 17,261 859
Twiggs 18,859 850
Camak 24,822 838
Linton 17,276 842
Norwood 10,460 841
Round Oak 20,555 858
Putnam County 25,834 893
Bleckley 18,702 847
East Dublin 14,497 845
Matthews 12,441 814
Stapleton 21,369 853
Dearing 19,336 871
Kite 26,497 868
Hancock County 11,225 851
Milledgeville 17,786 876
Brewton 16,327 842
Phoenix 35,017 915
Davisboro 13,396 842
Panhandle 29,715 858

More poverty in Sandersville, GA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Sandersville 2471 27 855
Linton 72 11 842
Avera 40 14 851
Mitchell 156 19 834
Burke County 7,118 30 855
Wrightsville 972 23 842
Matthews 12 7 814
Brewton 888 27 842
Glascock County 710 23 850
Johnson 368 20 839
Adrian 482 28 840
Greene County 3,553 22 895
Phoenix 469 5 915
Union Point 854 33 842
Allentown 27 2 867
Bartow 17 6 836
Crawfordville 474 36 847
Norwood 344 40 841
Greensboro 1,696 20 954
Norris 335 34 846
Eatonton 2,255 26 855

Advanced Education levels in Sandersville, GA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Sandersville 451 7 855
Thomson 924 9 865
Round Oak 240 11 858
Putnam County 1,767 11 893
Macon 1,116 8 858
Camak 16 2 838
Adrian 94 8 840
Toomsboro 22 4 839
Oconee 24 13 837
Harrison 107 9 848
Ivey 56 8 846
Edge Hill 4 5 1,005
Harlem 2,282 13 890
Johnson County 521 7 842
Nunez 0 0 859
McDuffie County 1,174 8 864
McIntyre 8 1 855
Laurens County 2,837 8 860
Devereux 112 9 916
Phoenix 1,028 16 915
Montrose 0 0 859