
Your Clay County, Georgia Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Clay County, GA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Clay County 2427 9 852
Josie, AL 1,487 4 911
Mayhaw 2,059 4 867
Cuthbert 4,642 8 851
Terrell County 7,312 8 854
Clio, AL 3,707 4 917
Shellman 1,290 5 856
Russell County, AL 41,714 6 947
Smithville 1,032 6 868
Parrott 615 8 850
Branchville 644 2 842
Damascus 1,151 1 835
Richland 2,328 5 841
Steam Mill 1,984 4 847
Brundidge, AL 3,355 7 919
Dothan, AL 65,697 4 962
Echo, AL 1,779 2 940
Dougherty County 73,027 8 866
Plains 2,763 5 849
Madrid, AL 5,788 5 950
Haleburg, AL 1,239 5 952

Better incomes in Clay County, GA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Clay County 13,606 852
Blakely 18,055 859
Parrott 19,306 850
Benevolence 15,623 827
Dougherty 21,376 876
Miller County 19,415 860
Bluffton 17,949 838
Webster County unified government 20,389 837
Malvern, AL 26,556 936
Abbeville, AL 18,433 931
Madrid, AL 20,452 950
Louisville, AL 17,310 925
Clio, AL 12,143 917
Slocomb, AL 19,953 931
Colquitt 17,000 847
Cottonwood, AL 20,442 931
Seale, AL 21,028 923
Shellman 16,472 856
Jakin 19,918 845
Blue Springs, AL 26,603 952
Newton 17,237 845

More poverty in Clay County, GA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Clay County 1487 47 852
Houston County, AL 17,723 17 957
Grimes, AL 140 29 916
Newton 996 41 845
Omaha 415 20 830
Haleburg, AL 234 14 952
Albany 25,442 34 863
Quitman County unified 618 24 852
Barbour County, AL 6,395 26 938
Randolph County 1,813 25 846
Gordon, AL 253 11 927
Seale, AL 744 18 923
Avon, AL 137 21 943
Bronwood 222 22 862
Arlington 550 35 841
Napier Field, AL 89 21 930
Midway, AL 225 13 900
Miller County 1,281 21 860
Quitman County 618 24 853
Shellman 415 26 856
Mayhaw 405 15 867

Advanced Education levels in Clay County, GA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Clay County 138 6 852
Columbia, AL 53 5 936
Taylor, AL 127 8 942
Bakerhill, AL 95 3 951
Seminole County 435 7 848
Josie, AL 81 6 911
Houston County, AL 8,433 12 957
Webster County unified government 102 5 837
Coleman 2 2 844
Haleburg, AL 40 3 952
Mayhaw 126 7 867
Smithville 49 5 868
Kinsey, AL 102 8 933
Midway, AL 106 9 900
Seale, AL 175 5 923
Morgan 138 6 854
Webb, AL 48 5 935
Fort Rucker, AL 520 22 881
Blue Springs, AL 5 6 952
Grimes, AL 17 5 916
Boykin 11 4 828