
See what's important for Ruthven, IA Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Ruthven, IA the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Ruthven 536 4 639
Emmetsburg 3,222 5 647
Herdland 106 7 638
Iowa Lake 125 8 739
Mallard 284 11 619
Highland 837 3 639
Laurens 1,041 2 631
Excelsior 143 0 721
Jack Creek 87 0 599
Fostoria 57 8 670
Dunnell, MN 143 1 937
Diamond Lake 109 0 734
Curlew 39 0 612
Cummins 247 0 628
Lone Rock 130 4 621
Rodman 28 7 607
Ringsted 370 3 620
Fenton 525 4 624
Lakeville 1,517 0 787
Plover 58 0 644
Gillett Grove 287 6 666

Better incomes in Ruthven, IA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Ruthven 19284 639
Spencer 27,315 658
Center Grove 29,827 687
Terril 20,609 633
Westport 51,709 678
Freedom 26,452 646
Rush Lake 18,694 618
Gillett Grove 26,980 666
Gruver 40,695 645
Superior 38,355 664
Seneca 61,985 666
Royal 16,454 634
Silver Lake 25,837 654
Ayrshire 17,215 625
Buena Vista County 22,965 652
Armstrong Grove 24,465 645
Wahpeton 50,269 812
Herdland 36,603 638
Petersburg, MN 24,833 973
Diamond Lake 54,203 734
Havelock 13,152 616

More poverty in Ruthven, IA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Ruthven 122 17 639
Orleans 12 1 839
Dunnell, MN 16 10 937
Denmark 29 5 627
Ayrshire 20 14 625
Riverton 0 0 645
Wallingford 14 8 626
Albert City 80 12 631
Hartley 228 12 633
Dickens 26 16 628
Havelock 54 37 616
Fostoria 16 22 670
Graettinger 71 8 639
Marathon 47 18 617
Iowa Lake 20 13 739
Excelsior 42 22 721
Gruver 2 3 645
Cummins 76 26 628
Truesdale 38 29 619
Meadow 4 1 688
Powhatan 0 0 651

Advanced Education levels in Ruthven, IA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Ruthven 32 6 639
Fern Valley 2 1 641
Dickinson County 2,422 19 687
Excelsior 15 13 721
Pocahontas 228 15 627
Royal 40 11 634
Iowa Lake 6 5 739
Freeman 18 7 645
Swan Lake 129 12 634
Great Oak 6 7 617
Booth 9 25 645
Havelock 1 1 616
Barnes 70 15 629
Graettinger 83 14 639
Curlew 0 0 612
Cummins 14 6 628
Rush Lake 32 8 618
Gillett Grove 26 11 666
Orleans 207 35 839
Omega 33 25 661
Rodman 0 0 607