
Where we Live in Chickasaw, IA counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Chickasaw, IA the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Chickasaw 658 2 651
Jamestown 437 2 658
St. Lucas 98 0 637
Orchard 40 2 630
Frederika 259 3 659
Fredericksburg 775 5 651
Denver 1,381 1 683
Deerfield 312 0 634
McIntire 69 0 625
Marble Rock 242 3 638
Clarksville 1,051 3 645
Vernon Springs 3,623 3 651
Jackson Junction 79 1 612
Stacyville 518 3 639
Le Roy 134 4 650
Mitchell 378 0 689
Niles 348 4 649
Plainfield 379 5 645
New Hampton 2,862 4 655
Chickasaw County 9,886 3 650
Tripoli 1,102 4 649

Better incomes in Chickasaw, IA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Chickasaw 33008 651
Westgate 18,814 623
Bethel 29,929 640
Rock Falls 19,927 656
Butler County 24,361 652
Shell Rock 26,732 666
Pittsford 22,827 637
Waucoma 22,245 636
Randalia 21,604 614
Lime Springs 21,089 638
Auburn 24,247 672
Banks 28,085 644
Ridgeway 22,921 651
Clarksville 20,970 645
Dumont 21,642 635
Fort Atkinson 22,284 644
St. Lucas 30,701 637
New Oregon 25,782 664
Stapleton 29,900 644
Nora Springs 24,364 658
Plainfield 24,786 645

More poverty in Chickasaw, IA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Chickasaw 102 12 651
Auburn 66 10 672
Alta Vista 18 6 627
Niles 201 42 649
Randalia 3 12 614
Plainfield 7 1 645
Howard Center 0 0 677
Oak Dale 0 0 685
New Haven 0 0 627
New Hampton 343 10 655
Lime Springs 99 20 638
Eden 61 8 674
Bristow 35 22 624
Albion 210 10 663
Dumont 143 21 635
Paris 30 11 651
Dayton 94 6 640
Falls 54 5 671
Allison 92 10 646
Waucoma 44 16 636
Maxfield 64 4 665

Advanced Education levels in Chickasaw, IA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Chickasaw 43 7 651
Utica 27 15 624
Elma 22 4 629
Oak Dale 0 0 685
Osage 356 13 651
Le Roy, MN 71 10 967
Bennington 20 8 656
Alta Vista 21 9 627
Riceville 72 11 643
Chickasaw County 977 11 650
Bristow 7 6 624
Saratoga 11 6 649
Owen 11 6 687
Sumner No. 2 24 12 685
East Lincoln 0 0 740
Auburn 26 5 672
Maxfield 132 14 665
Deerfield 22 7 634
Readlyn 82 14 662
Colwell 3 5 640
Le Roy 0 0 650