
Where You Live in Douglas, Iowa matters For Your Home Insurance & choose your insurance provider wisely after comparing multiple quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Douglas, IA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Douglas 4432 3 675
Colfax 1,584 4 646
Beaver 2,832 4 681
Maxwell 703 1 661
Franklin 17,782 2 698
Elkhart 973 1 685
Warren County 35,600 3 681
Grimes 5,932 2 687
Saylor 4,519 5 685
Palo Alto 3,402 2 693
Mound Prairie 521 6 747
Baxter 899 4 662
Palmyra 443 0 682
Washington 37,073 5 686
Walnut 53,463 2 699
Saylorville 2,249 5 687
Bouton 77 12 637
Windsor Heights 3,913 3 691
Saylorville Reservoir 26 0 902
Camp 1,527 3 702
Rhodes 239 3 644

Better incomes in Douglas, IA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Douglas 32,195 675
Linn 36,421 680
Lee 19,039 658
Franklin 33,045 698
Bloomfield 22,187 664
Pleasantville 23,780 653
Bouton 14,885 637
Granger 26,199 694
Malaka 36,049 690
Reasnor 19,005 646
Delaware 29,107 664
Elkhart 31,085 685
Cambridge 22,763 665
Clive 44,868 723
Polk County 29,973 682
Marcy 34,093 668
Ankeny 32,652 694
Saylor 26,068 685
Slater 29,721 676
Pleasant Hill 29,733 692
New Albany 25,142 662

More poverty in Douglas, IA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Douglas 309 5 675
Lambs Grove 0 0 691
Carlisle 383 9 671
Nevada 434 6 666
Windsor Heights 360 7 691
Marcy 58 6 668
Luther 12 7 648
Mitchellville 254 13 664
New Albany 98 7 662
Granger 113 8 694
Jasper County 4,376 12 663
Cumming 4 0 732
Grimes 301 3 687
Sheldahl 6 2 679
Story County 16,366 20 685
Boone 1,416 8 709
Madrid 160 6 656
Worth 32 4 693
Bondurant 77 1 687
Sugar Grove 18 2 696
Waukee 589 4 704

Advanced Education levels in Douglas, IA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Douglas 1354 35 675
New Albany 151 17 662
Greenfield 871 21 684
Dallas County 13,555 31 698
Waukee 3,660 39 704
Newton 1,608 14 655
Lambs Grove 15 12 691
Palo Alto 287 9 693
Pleasantville 172 16 653
Worth 93 15 693
Polk County 68,804 24 682
Indian Creek 205 20 673
Cambridge 69 12 665
Sheldahl 23 13 679
Webster 11,974 32 699
Elkhart 163 18 685
Allen 555 20 674
Kelley 27 13 661
Maxwell 104 18 661
Colfax 129 9 646
Jasper County 3,305 12 663