
See what's important for West Branch, Iowa Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in West Branch, IA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
West Branch 5125 2 695
Granville 321 3 650
America 8,008 1 666
Portland 1,416 1 660
Sioux Valley, SD 131 3 663
Liberal 293 2 660
Remsen 1,426 3 652
Sutherland 544 2 626
Buncombe 1,642 2 648
Sanborn 926 5 649
Hawarden 2,080 3 645
Gilman 596 1 642
Akron 1,147 1 651
Paullina 838 2 638
Sheldon 4,356 1 664
Kingsley 1,085 1 651
Oyens 39 0 646
Eden, SD 167 0 663
Cleveland 250 5 718
Union County, SD 11,213 2 667
Alton 877 1 671

Better incomes in West Branch, IA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
West Branch 27,132 695
Cleghorn 25,352 639
Orange City 23,031 676
Maurice 21,514 645
Dale 21,807 625
Paullina 26,390 638
Sutherland 27,413 626
West Holman 20,591 638
Midland 23,364 662
Brunsville 27,733 650
Eagle 21,958 679
Hawarden 22,416 645
Doon 21,149 647
George 21,485 643
Centennial 44,417 683
Portland 24,626 660
Hungerford 31,118 687
Sioux County 23,632 672
Prairie, SD 24,202 666
Rock Rapids 24,885 653
Welcome 19,938 685

More poverty in West Branch, IA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
West Branch 243 4 695
Rock Valley 348 10 657
Eden, SD 5 2 663
Spink, SD 5 3 683
America 499 5 666
Craig 1 2 634
Prairie, SD 0 0 666
Chatsworth 12 27 651
Floyd 354 6 665
Kingsley 118 8 651
Wheeler 94 8 636
Larrabee 16 15 630
Sioux Center 352 5 683
Centennial 0 0 683
Hinton 48 5 678
Union County, SD 623 4 667
Larchwood 122 8 678
Melvin 12 5 625
Capel 0 0 692
Plymouth County 1,281 5 672
Holland 376 7 683

Advanced Education levels in West Branch, IA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
West Branch 637 19 695
Plymouth 119 17 669
Alcester, SD 45 8 639
Struble 14 18 676
Marcus 169 21 644
Larrabee 5 6 630
Midland 0 0 662
Virginia, SD 0 0 654
Tilden 6 5 648
Baker 22 8 633
Lincoln County, SD 7,260 25 684
Orange 54 11 652
Lyon County 944 12 656
Floyd 775 20 665
Nassau 173 15 685
Capel 18 6 692
Brunsville 7 9 650
Goewey 0 0 696
Hungerford 244 21 687
Beresford, SD 209 15 652
Cleveland 20 10 718