
Take a deeper look at Atlantic, Iowa home insurance cost factors to help you gain an advantage in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Atlantic, IA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Atlantic 5744 1 649
Henderson 118 15 636
Hamlin 295 3 644
Noble 178 9 675
Neola 873 3 684
McClelland 100 11 667
Avoca 1,107 3 657
Coburg 20 15 643
Portsmouth 211 1 640
Montgomery County 8,616 5 643
Pottawattamie County 72,936 4 666
Casey 346 2 633
Exira 940 2 634
Corning 1,371 3 637
Cass County 11,079 2 647
Audubon 1,750 0 633
Kimballton 254 5 636
Waveland 233 0 658
Layton 831 5 650
Leroy 2,033 0 630
Gray 61 6 624

Better incomes in Atlantic, IA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Atlantic 23,477 649
Underwood 29,052 686
Bear Grove 20,651 657
Menlo 21,047 641
Waveland 25,013 658
Fontanelle 20,717 632
Casey 18,898 633
Red Oak 21,295 642
Layton 24,186 650
Avoca 26,865 657
Grove 23,505 650
Adams County 25,709 648
Seely 31,567 712
Aspinwall 24,270 655
Shelby 23,236 658
Massena 24,774 645
Audubon County 26,855 641
Pottawattamie County 25,239 666
Corning 25,556 637
Neola 26,362 684
Hamlin 24,187 644

More poverty in Atlantic, IA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Atlantic 1018 14 649
Silver Creek 8 0 690
Noble 22 10 675
Keg Creek 28 3 698
Shelby County 1,343 11 658
Quincy 248 14 647
Edna 33 24 637
Grove 1,046 14 650
Montgomery County 1,693 16 643
Villisca 341 28 637
Audubon 291 13 633
Griswold 59 6 642
Anderson 60 13 652
Cass County 1,735 12 647
Bear Grove 0 0 657
Victoria 15 9 688
Shelby 80 12 658
Irwin 25 6 633
Manning 248 16 638
Casey 37 8 633
Manilla 100 9 628

Advanced Education levels in Atlantic, IA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Atlantic 593 11 649
Prussia 41 21 663
Guthrie County 1,100 14 656
Adair 71 12 651
Hastings 5 3 619
Carl 2 1 679
Pilot Grove 11 7 670
Gray 7 15 624
Fontanelle 30 6 632
Quincy 166 12 647
Anderson 27 8 652
Griswold 54 7 642
Melville 7 29 722
Bear Grove 17 8 657
Spaulding 28 12 693
James 20 14 724
Carbon 4 16 654
Coburg 2 11 643
Waveland 20 10 658
Bentley 13 18 701
Leroy 305 16 630