
Home location is a big driver of your Delaware, Iowa insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Delaware, IA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Delaware 6617 3 664
Mitchellville 2,043 3 664
Spring Hill 45 0 656
Ackworth 43 4 661
Adams 948 0 727
Washington 37,073 5 686
Allen 3,108 5 674
Alleman 454 1 696
Runnells 390 4 673
Sheldahl 209 10 679
Palo Alto 3,402 2 693
Luther 144 3 648
Indianola 11,500 5 676
Nevada 5,452 3 666
Mingo 219 7 668
Four Mile 7,101 3 694
Malaka 263 4 690
New Albany 993 4 662
Poweshiek 819 3 706
Valeria 50 16 653
Indian Creek 1,192 3 673

Better incomes in Delaware, IA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Delaware 29,107 664
Granger 26,199 694
Martensdale 26,934 667
Windsor Heights 31,977 691
Alleman 33,298 696
Ames 23,547 693
Jefferson 39,309 717
Jasper County 24,096 663
Slater 29,721 676
Urbandale 40,279 703
Colo 22,472 664
Dallas Center 31,449 675
Palo Alto 18,783 693
Bloomfield 22,187 664
Four Mile 28,619 694
Sheldahl 24,043 679
Bouton 14,885 637
Ankeny 32,652 694
Adel 29,924 681
Pleasant Grove 26,253 669
Indianola 25,103 676

More poverty in Delaware, IA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Delaware 1203 14 664
Saylorville 42 1 687
Allen 383 9 674
Lee 12,278 19 658
De Soto 106 8 672
Adel 416 6 681
Rhodes 56 19 644
Nevada 434 6 666
Carlisle 383 9 671
Urbandale 1,874 4 703
Slater 96 6 676
Warren County 3,255 7 681
Bondurant 77 1 687
Mingo 38 13 668
Johnston 1,005 5 727
Jasper County 4,376 12 663
Saylorville Reservoir 0 0 902
Norwalk 340 3 685
Mound Prairie 44 7 747
Washington 12,067 36 686
Douglas 309 5 675

Advanced Education levels in Delaware, IA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Delaware 798 13 664
Huxley 455 23 684
Saylorville 427 21 687
Reasnor 2 1 646
White Oak 105 15 730
New Albany 151 17 662
Poweshiek 37 5 706
Dallas Center 262 22 675
Cumming 105 33 732
Palmyra 59 16 682
Bondurant 557 26 687
De Soto 92 12 672
Van Meter 642 28 682
Polk County 68,804 24 682
Madrid 178 10 656
Indianola 1,838 20 676
Altoona 2,316 24 686
Minburn 29 12 651
Linn 1,303 25 680
Adel 821 19 681
Waukee 3,660 39 704