
Your Mitchellville, IA Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Mitchellville, IA the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Mitchellville 2043 3 664
Alleman 454 1 696
Beaver 2,832 4 681
Lee 47,003 6 658
Belmont 732 3 662
Buena Vista 557 2 689
Runnells 390 4 673
Kelley 240 0 661
Johnston 13,012 2 727
Norwalk 6,601 1 685
Carlisle 2,949 5 671
Haverhill 169 5 655
Marion County 26,071 3 668
State Center 1,439 7 664
Bondurant 2,449 4 687
Allen 3,108 5 674
Camp 1,527 3 702
Polk City 2,425 2 693
Granger 948 2 694
Otter 832 3 706
Rhodes 239 3 644

Better incomes in Mitchellville, IA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Mitchellville 21088 664
Boone 40,346 709
Clive 44,868 723
Baxter 22,528 662
Sandyville 17,596 610
Des Moines 38,390 699
Cambridge 22,763 665
Mingo 25,655 668
Jefferson 39,309 717
Elk Creek 27,157 694
Maxwell 24,940 661
Alleman 33,298 696
Pleasantville 23,780 653
Ackworth 23,157 661
Malaka 36,049 690
Saylor 26,068 685
Palestine 32,255 684
Otter 31,291 706
Altoona 29,748 686
Belmont 24,169 662
Colfax 21,621 646

More poverty in Mitchellville, IA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Mitchellville 254 13 664
Polk County 47,976 11 682
Norwalk 340 3 685
Malaka 26 7 690
Clive 517 3 723
Jasper County 4,376 12 663
Maxwell 49 5 661
Valeria 2 2 653
Bondurant 77 1 687
Greenfield 163 2 684
Martensdale 25 5 667
Des Moines 4,015 7 699
New Albany 98 7 662
Linn 355 4 680
Poweshiek 183 15 706
Beaver 336 11 681
Rhodes 56 19 644
Ames 14,500 28 693
Summit 0 0 710
Waukee 589 4 704
Mound Prairie 44 7 747

Advanced Education levels in Mitchellville, IA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Mitchellville 154 8 664
Crocker 9,837 34 698
Elk Creek 54 16 694
Story County 13,410 28 685
Elkhart 163 18 685
Clay 2,503 24 690
Buena Vista 55 12 689
Sheldahl 23 13 679
Linn 1,303 25 680
Beaver 357 14 681
Bondurant 557 26 687
Mingo 27 13 668
Norwalk 1,468 25 685
Des Moines 13,616 35 699
Summit 311 32 710
Belmont 102 15 662
Red Rock 73 15 690
Martensdale 29 9 667
Kellogg 91 12 651
Bloomfield 2,470 12 664
Poweshiek 37 5 706