
Study the bigger picture of the Bear Creek, IL home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Bear Creek, IL the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Bear Creek 401 3 725
Johnson 819 0 731
Bulpitt 238 17 707
Buffalo Hart 135 0 743
Nokomis 2,306 3 719
Hurricane 181 3 697
Rochester 4,095 3 763
Rountree 104 0 583
Litchfield 2,764 4 713
Girard 1,898 6 719
Pana 5,095 3 719
Honey Point 49 0 724
South Hurricane 256 4 701
Jeisyville 130 0 717
Montgomery County 24,647 2 721
Divernon 1,258 4 736
Ohlman 77 5 705
Christian County 27,968 3 723
Mosquito 260 0 737
Assumption 1,129 5 715
Wenonah 12 0 725

Better incomes in Bear Creek, IL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Bear Creek 20659 725
Rochester 39,060 763
Chatham 30,854 759
Spaulding 29,084 765
Montgomery County 21,550 721
Harvel 14,483 721
Buckhart 28,043 734
Pana 18,677 719
Cooper 34,736 796
Hurricane 19,305 697
Owaneco 19,229 715
Riverton 22,775 725
Rosamond 18,100 741
East Fork 12,480 719
Taylor Springs 19,261 718
Woodside 30,256 731
Pitman 21,415 720
Lanesville 22,619 811
Bois D'Arc 47,225 727
Illiopolis 25,317 724
Witt 18,411 716

More poverty in Bear Creek, IL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Bear Creek 36 7 725
South Otter 24 4 749
Montgomery County 3,554 14 721
Chatham 574 4 759
Assumption 207 14 715
Ricks 144 12 722
Mount Auburn 263 24 721
Mechanicsburg 258 12 733
Pitman 60 12 720
Shaws Point 22 5 754
Taylor Springs 81 16 718
Pawnee 159 5 736
Sangamon County 26,326 13 744
Coffeen 107 23 710
Irving 85 12 733
Loami 189 20 731
Ball 306 4 776
Waggoner 60 35 703
Woodside 1,464 12 731
Virden 502 14 719
Fillmore 65 10 707

Advanced Education levels in Bear Creek, IL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Bear Creek 5 1 725
Capital 15,964 20 739
Cotton Hill 111 14 770
East Fork 143 4 719
Pawnee 320 14 736
Hillsboro 211 3 723
Pitman 85 32 720
Buffalo Hart 45 35 743
Ricks 65 8 722
Waggoner 2 1 703
Riverton 339 15 725
Bingham 0 0 700
Owaneco 12 10 715
South Otter 25 6 749
Shaws Point 46 12 754
Witt 65 9 716
Loami 45 7 731
Jerome 255 20 730
South Fork 123 6 718
Divernon 171 15 736
Pana 344 7 719