
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Neponset, IL Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Neponset, IL the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Neponset 588 6 721
Edford 634 0 760
De Pue 1,482 10 717
Hooppole 238 8 705
Tampico 878 2 732
Goshen 596 7 732
Phenix 1,259 4 767
Malden 329 10 728
Wyanet 1,251 4 724
Henry County 39,867 3 738
Mineral 413 2 726
Tiskilwa 655 5 730
Stark County 4,778 5 724
Bureau County 27,862 5 735
Whitefield 199 0 802
Concord 1,391 4 720
Bureau 188 6 742
Truro 678 5 720
Toulon 1,836 4 720
Burns 326 0 724
Wethersfield 3,299 4 728

Better incomes in Neponset, IL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Neponset 36120 721
Wethersfield 23,851 728
Elmira 44,743 709
Persifer 36,120 781
Bradford 15,728 719
Sheffield 21,574 722
Toulon 21,493 720
Princeville 24,000 741
Concord 24,005 720
La Moille 25,485 729
Prophetstown 22,527 732
Hooppole 17,235 705
Seatonville 23,170 720
Altona 19,918 709
La Prairie 25,576 802
Milo 22,896 746
Copley 31,096 711
Atkinson 25,405 730
Henry 24,378 726
Hillsdale 22,129 722
La Fayette 16,945 701

More poverty in Neponset, IL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Neponset 86 12 721
La Moille 107 8 729
Hahnaman 38 5 779
Gold 5 4 683
Leepertown 96 25 716
West Jersey 5 2 758
Oak Run 22 5 775
Steuben 101 8 744
New Bedford 6 8 710
Hollowayville 0 0 710
Goshen 75 10 732
Chillicothe 711 8 736
Andover 50 4 732
Woodhull 127 15 730
Altona 55 11 709
Wyanet 244 16 724
Wyoming 212 14 721
Lacon 259 10 734
Whitefield 118 36 802
Malden 58 12 728
Bureau Junction 88 29 712

Advanced Education levels in Neponset, IL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Neponset 85 16 721
Yorktown 46 13 721
Mineral 29 7 726
Indiantown 35 8 736
Dunlap 281 30 766
Hall 579 9 736
Marshall County 1,133 12 732
Atkinson 87 9 730
Phenix 273 23 767
Sheffield 82 11 722
Walnut 192 16 731
Gold 7 7 683
Clover 85 12 729
Alba 28 22 754
Hopewell 77 24 762
Hahnaman 46 10 779
La Fayette 9 5 701
Princeville 126 9 741
Seatonville 8 4 720
Truro 45 7 720
Millbrook 41 10 727