
Your location in Canoe Creek, IL impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Canoe Creek, IL the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Canoe Creek 596 5 729
Clinton, IA 21,416 5 653
Cambridge 1,984 1 730
Rural 872 1 770
McCausland, IA 284 3 657
Cornwall 139 7 844
Erie 1,524 1 739
Camanche, IA 3,696 4 661
Bettendorf, IA 25,634 2 692
Scott County, IA 129,335 3 675
Geneseo 5,756 1 750
Eldridge, IA 4,124 2 702
Hampshire, IA 754 0 703
Portland 340 12 712
Goose Lake, IA 170 0 672
Blackhawk 7,953 5 736
Morrison 3,287 5 727
Sheridan, IA 4,451 2 691
Deer Grove 47 6 735
Rapids City 673 3 758
Andover 820 2 732

Better incomes in Canoe Creek, IL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Canoe Creek 23688 729
Deep Creek, IA 25,388 694
Prophetstown 22,527 732
Low Moor, IA 32,045 652
Panorama Park, IA 23,590 668
Coyne Center 26,602 731
Andover 27,111 732
Coal Valley 32,037 756
Burns 30,393 724
New Bedford 18,514 710
Mineral 30,450 726
Rock Island 23,337 730
Hampshire, IA 28,855 703
Deer Grove 13,881 735
Cambridge 24,588 730
Eldridge, IA 30,172 702
Union Grove 30,652 774
Davenport, IA 24,741 664
Henry County 26,644 738
Whiteside County 24,062 733
Atkinson 25,405 730

More poverty in Canoe Creek, IL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Canoe Creek 54 7 729
Mineral 49 9 726
Clinton, IA 4,533 17 653
Bowling 283 8 755
Rural 29 2 770
Whiteside County 6,996 12 733
Cleveland 56 27 729
Tampico 187 14 732
Erie 87 4 739
Edford 12 1 760
Cambridge 276 11 730
Winfield, IA 75 4 723
Burns 0 0 724
Rock Island Arsenal 0 0 684
Hampshire, IA 39 3 703
Cornwall 26 13 844
Camanche, IA 537 11 661
Sheridan, IA 640 10 691
Lynn 52 5 760
Richland Grove 66 2 745
Pleasant Valley, IA 2,105 6 694

Advanced Education levels in Canoe Creek, IL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Canoe Creek 21 4 729
Cambridge 205 12 730
Munson 15 6 754
Panorama Park, IA 6 5 668
Pleasant Valley, IA 6,841 28 694
Mount Pleasant 413 11 732
Hampton 1,550 10 739
Richland Grove 218 13 745
Montmorency 190 10 744
Deep Creek, IA 28 6 694
Portland 50 17 712
Albany 119 14 742
Scott County, IA 22,790 20 675
Coe 311 23 788
Hickory Grove, IA 44 10 681
Colona 418 9 734
Blackhawk 832 11 736
Como 31 9 772
Goose Lake, IA 18 13 672
Atkinson 87 9 730
Burns 25 8 724