
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Boone County, Illinois Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Boone County, IL the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Boone County 40638 7 763
Lake in the Hills 20,923 6 790
Byron 4,773 3 766
Cortland 8,004 4 775
Rock, WI 2,509 8 622
Malta 1,071 6 759
Clinton, WI 1,503 5 632
Bull Valley 855 6 899
Timberlane 827 2 816
Seneca 2,483 3 846
McHenry County 235,131 7 796
Harmony, WI 2,171 6 677
Monroe 1,077 16 767
Beloit, WI 28,029 9 615
Pecatonica 3,097 4 758
Burritt 921 5 803
Creston 479 6 755
Rock County, WI 125,059 6 635
Laona 925 1 777
Pingree Grove 2,903 8 781
Huntley 18,757 3 795

Better incomes in Boone County, IL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Boone County 26,559 763
La Prairie, WI 29,977 659
Kingston 27,449 786
Sycamore 29,821 766
Franklin 23,690 757
Lynnville 27,170 763
Marengo 24,842 777
Poplar Grove 25,733 755
Stillman Valley 22,233 750
Monroe 29,934 767
Coral 36,564 850
Linn, WI 42,022 715
Garden Prairie 28,177 752
Beloit, WI 18,427 615
Dunham 24,243 757
Bradford, WI 29,588 635
Johnstown, WI 36,337 678
DeKalb 19,916 767
Spring 31,452 775
Winnebago County 24,404 746
Geneva, WI 32,398 669

More poverty in Boone County, IL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Boone County 5405 10 763
Rock County, WI 21,214 13 635
White Rock 86 11 751
Pingree Grove 1,135 26 781
Janesville, WI 8,710 14 632
Harvard 2,886 31 747
Marengo 857 11 777
Riley 170 5 812
Delavan Lake, WI 233 8 662
Harmony, WI 110 4 677
Rutland 1,279 6 805
Rockford 39,947 22 736
Poplar Grove 775 13 755
Genoa 442 7 763
New Milford 129 17 708
Winnebago 201 3 760
Franklin 243 9 757
Geneva, WI 474 9 669
Harlem 2,977 7 749
Coral 377 10 850
Walworth, WI 352 12 656

Advanced Education levels in Boone County, IL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Boone County 4484 13 763
Lynnville 59 10 763
Monroe 86 8 767
Monroe Center 38 13 739
Dorr 2,806 20 782
Huntley 3,884 22 795
Janesville, WI 6,104 14 632
Laona 163 18 777
Marengo 736 14 777
Creston 34 9 755
Cortland 1,525 21 775
Winnebago County 26,514 13 746
Burlington 212 14 822
New Milford 44 8 708
Hartland 153 8 823
Riley 269 14 812
Beloit, WI 1,984 8 615
Newark, WI 127 10 651
Gilberts 1,272 30 822
Turtle, WI 236 13 647
South Beloit 592 11 746