
Take a deeper look at Lee County, Illinois home insurance cost factors to help you gain an advantage in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Lee County, IL the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Lee County 28987 5 736
Dixon 14,666 6 730
Palmyra 2,377 2 758
Ophir 393 19 795
Grand Detour 547 4 750
Buffalo 2,093 5 729
Ladd 1,105 7 731
Mount Morris 3,296 10 737
Lynnville 655 3 763
Nashua 4,331 5 755
Coleta 130 13 715
Waterman 1,159 8 767
Leland 688 8 749
Rockvale 1,446 5 768
Dimmick 593 3 808
Polo 1,786 5 725
Montmorency 2,127 3 744
Harmon 238 9 728
Meriden 269 7 731
Walnut 1,347 5 731
Ohio 541 5 734

Better incomes in Lee County, IL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Lee County 25,484 736
Davis Junction 21,042 752
Hahnaman 20,482 779
Arlington 21,598 716
Monroe Center 23,506 739
Alto 25,754 784
Ladd 24,352 731
Hall 27,416 736
Bureau 31,459 742
Malta 24,162 759
Dalzell 25,202 746
Earlville 21,063 741
Genesee 25,978 766
Cherry 31,416 729
Freedom 24,344 764
Afton 23,309 780
Polo 28,430 725
White Rock 24,704 751
Flagg 23,497 755
Victor 33,229 779
Hillcrest 23,782 749

More poverty in Lee County, IL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Lee County 3352 9 736
Amboy 298 9 729
Paw Paw 178 18 744
Waterman 126 8 767
Monroe Center 12 2 739
New Bedford 6 8 710
Tampico 187 14 732
Meriden 41 10 731
Dimmick 37 4 808
Ashton 79 7 735
Rochelle 1,705 18 748
Como 20 4 772
Willow Creek 61 8 778
Lee Center 0 0 785
De Pue 146 7 717
Rock Falls 1,690 18 721
Dalzell 35 4 746
Berlin 68 6 736
Alto 113 17 784
Leland 72 7 749
Troy Grove 98 9 765

Advanced Education levels in Lee County, IL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Lee County 2627 10 736
Dement 78 12 758
La Moille 68 8 729
Monroe Center 38 13 739
Malden 18 6 728
Hopkins 164 11 745
Hillcrest 95 11 749
Lee Center 74 15 785
Meriden 6 2 731
Montmorency 190 10 744
Taylor 98 12 771
Hall 579 9 736
Waltham 85 23 785
Dover 26 8 770
Westfield 52 9 728
Earlville 104 9 741
New Bedford 1 2 710
Tampico 53 7 732
Jordan 59 8 792
Creston 34 9 755
Berlin 42 6 736