
Your Urbana, Illinois Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Urbana, IL the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Urbana 37077 4 756
Newman 880 3 714
Somer 1,163 1 733
Condit 547 4 744
Carroll 479 1 720
Stanton 318 1 785
Longview 131 8 705
Ivesdale 203 2 726
Bement 1,564 4 725
Penfield 133 1 715
Catlin 2,470 5 732
Ludlow 3,360 6 723
Brown 1,597 5 738
Crittenden 218 4 747
Hensley 969 2 757
Sangamon 1,665 1 793
Indianola 260 2 708
Unity 1,038 4 723
Button 153 7 766
Fisher 1,582 5 750
Young America 603 5 715

Better incomes in Urbana, IL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Urbana 19,052 756
Indianola 21,460 708
Blount 30,563 751
Vance 26,722 731
Longview 20,144 705
Muncie 23,464 714
Savoy 30,415 785
Foosland 14,655 717
Weldon 23,348 719
Young America 21,447 715
Unity 23,753 723
Stanton 39,046 785
Ogden 32,474 752
Tilton 22,627 716
Blue Ridge 24,618 742
Monticello 33,647 754
Potomac 18,807 724
De Land 21,330 724
Bowdre 19,502 725
Crittenden 39,309 747
White Heath 28,940 724

More poverty in Urbana, IL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Urbana 12006 35 756
Compromise 73 5 743
Vance 65 5 731
Lake of the Woods 275 9 745
Douglas County 1,987 10 731
Bement 238 11 725
Oakwood 384 10 727
Piatt County 1,043 6 744
Pesotum 15 1 740
Cisco 6 2 714
Bowdre 53 7 725
Royal 35 13 747
Button 12 5 766
Weldon 35 10 719
Fisher 150 7 750
Villa Grove 364 15 724
Tilton 350 12 716
Monticello 180 3 754
Blount 168 4 751
Metcalf 63 32 700
Drummer 317 8 733

Advanced Education levels in Urbana, IL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Urbana 4301 22 756
Indianola 11 5 708
East Bend 31 7 776
Willow Branch 135 23 783
Rantoul 947 11 724
Brown 122 9 738
Champaign County 23,845 20 756
Paxton 366 12 728
Champaign 10,555 24 756
Savoy 1,319 30 785
Sidell 45 6 722
Butler 56 9 726
Georgetown 366 6 715
Tuscola 413 11 731
Penfield 3 2 715
Newman 97 12 714
Tilton 116 5 716
Sadorus 67 8 735
Mansfield 81 10 740
Bondville 22 5 743
Young America 20 3 715