
Take a deeper look at Ottawa, Illinois home insurance cost factors to help you gain an advantage in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Ottawa, IL the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Ottawa 15348 8 748
Eden 1,106 6 743
Lostant 318 5 733
Kendall County 82,094 5 795
Putnam County 4,833 7 750
Reading 1,589 5 732
Cherry 282 2 729
Dayton 1,988 3 785
Ransom 303 10 724
Dimmick 593 3 808
Leonore 63 7 727
De Pue 1,482 10 717
Osage 260 0 720
Vermillion 234 11 821
Verona 149 12 750
Fall River 642 3 770
Hall 6,523 6 736
Mazon 1,150 7 766
Streator 10,327 7 724
Grand Rapids 247 2 751
Westfield 644 9 728

Better incomes in Ottawa, IL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Ottawa 25,414 748
Saratoga 29,549 794
Peru 28,690 746
Vermillion 28,065 821
Waltham 33,221 785
Granville 25,351 739
Paw Paw 25,466 744
Wallace 38,248 776
Millington 18,739 771
Serena 22,953 785
Mission 22,568 771
Somonauk 25,961 768
De Pue 15,617 717
Eden 24,063 743
Reading 25,616 732
Osage 35,767 720
Bruce 19,875 722
Evans 21,897 731
Fall River 34,376 770
Magnolia 21,016 763
Westfield 27,506 728

More poverty in Ottawa, IL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Ottawa 2434 13 748
Adams 95 5 772
Seatonville 25 8 720
Nettle Creek 18 5 821
Morris 1,277 9 773
Goodfarm 53 28 766
Otter Creek 335 11 738
Nevada 0 0 783
De Pue 146 7 717
Sandwich 627 8 777
Selby 211 8 720
Vermillion 31 9 821
Amity 97 11 740
Manlius 823 13 748
Brooklyn 155 18 736
Meriden 41 10 731
Erienna 89 4 813
Spring Valley 662 12 734
Earlville 240 13 741
Long Point 3 0 746
Mendota 846 11 738

Advanced Education levels in Ottawa, IL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Ottawa 1582 12 748
Earl 149 8 755
Reading 147 10 732
Miller 71 15 822
Hall 579 9 736
Nevada 82 4 783
Osage 30 18 720
Big Grove 138 12 792
Vermillion 16 7 821
Seatonville 8 4 720
Oglesby 201 7 732
Meriden 6 2 731
Plattville 27 14 783
Wallace 55 22 776
Victor 60 28 779
Mazon 56 5 766
Saratoga 553 13 794
Allen 20 5 735
Kinsman 0 0 720
Ophir 17 5 795
Westfield 52 9 728