
Home location is a big driver of your Stevenson, IL insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Stevenson, IL the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Stevenson 986 4 737
Bedford 932 3 714
Huey 178 6 727
Wamac 1,071 14 695
Belle Rive 326 5 714
Otego 1,159 9 723
Flora 3,811 5 715
Junction City 409 15 701
Bonnie 406 6 708
Pope 108 3 706
Farina 414 5 711
Iuka 842 9 718
Songer 403 8 750
Clay County 10,967 6 717
Richview 286 5 709
Hoosier 302 16 723
Keith 322 0 720
St. Peter 274 10 712
Berry 164 0 729
Iola 73 1 709
Sims 256 6 703

Better incomes in Stevenson, IL lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Stevenson 23092 737
Four Mile 25,366 712
Kell 14,830 715
Carrigan 29,996 748
Flora 18,087 715
Pope 19,982 706
Carlyle 30,700 739
Wilberton 16,246 758
Lamard 18,869 721
Irvington 25,798 718
Clement 29,263 725
Tonti 26,434 733
Orel 18,825 725
Cisne 17,705 713
Farrington 21,365 729
Wayne County 23,242 717
Clay City 19,221 712
Harter 19,919 722
Haines 19,947 722
Keith 46,392 720
Louisville 20,192 723

More poverty in Stevenson, IL means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Stevenson 146 11 737
Waltonville 61 14 714
Pendleton 292 24 718
Romine 32 6 723
Sandoval 565 25 711
Keyesport 153 32 718
Louisville 266 15 723
Brownstown 202 27 708
Arrington 80 16 707
Wilberton 134 18 758
Flora 855 17 715
Orchard 47 8 708
Hoyleton 90 8 723
Vandalia 960 14 723
Kaskaskia 54 10 721
Lake 17 1 731
Harter 943 15 722
Marion County 6,195 16 719
Lamard 290 18 721
Jeffersonville 55 11 710
Huey 34 16 727

Advanced Education levels in Stevenson, IL implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Stevenson 121 13 737
Irvington 68 7 718
Walnut Hill 9 18 691
Raccoon 95 8 733
Dix 31 7 725
Jeffersonville 18 6 710
Marion County 2,521 9 719
Tamalco 80 15 705
Four Mile 2 0 712
Sims 14 6 703
Otego 59 6 723
Kaskaskia 18 4 721
Harter 439 10 722
Indian Prairie 25 6 722
Larkinsburg 5 1 714
Sailor Springs 0 0 712
Radom 9 5 731
Clement 32 11 725
Clay City 67 7 712
Iola 0 0 709
Garden Hill 6 13 721