
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Rich Grove, IN Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Rich Grove, IN the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Rich Grove 589 2 812
Carpenter 1,615 6 800
Jasper County 25,747 5 834
Reynolds 431 7 799
Westville 5,377 2 810
Big Creek 571 3 804
La Paz 324 4 789
Koontz Lake 1,311 11 816
Wheatfield 3,406 8 840
Kingsford Heights 1,115 8 783
Winamac 2,225 5 794
Yeoman 75 5 797
Salt Creek Commons 1,718 6 817
North Judson 1,375 7 800
La Crosse 479 2 802
Culver 1,151 3 850
Lakes of the Four Seasons 5,893 4 854
Pulaski County 10,555 5 805
Wolcott 762 5 794
South Haven 4,143 4 811
North Liberty 1,186 7 797

Better incomes in Rich Grove, IN lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Rich Grove 13948 812
North Judson 17,371 800
Polk 27,536 833
Cass County 21,259 790
Marshall County 22,172 820
White Post 13,572 801
Medaryville 15,693 790
Hebron 23,027 819
Shorewood Forest 49,743 946
Idaville 12,238 792
California 18,827 807
White County 23,130 812
Francesville 25,155 790
Star City 20,857 786
Kingsford Heights 16,235 783
Rochester 23,763 806
La Crosse 19,953 802
Wolcott 21,404 794
Royal Center 19,276 782
Aberdeen 46,604 912
Bethlehem 30,739 782

More poverty in Rich Grove, IN means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Rich Grove 102 11 812
Norway 160 33 788
Hanna 135 11 822
La Crosse 57 9 802
Hebron 542 14 819
California 201 9 807
Star City 0 0 786
White Post 651 49 801
Boone 668 10 838
Knox 879 24 790
La Porte 4,206 19 799
Wheeler 7 2 896
Logansport 3,768 22 781
Buffalo 47 5 778
Bourbon 386 12 806
Monon 663 20 808
Bass Lake 159 10 800
Scipio 343 7 839
Macy 23 10 776
429 10 834
Marshall County 5,960 12 820

Advanced Education levels in Rich Grove, IN implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Rich Grove 37 7 812
North Judson 113 10 800
Bethlehem 38 8 782
Reynolds 19 5 799
Royal Center 48 8 782
Monon 146 6 808
Bass Lake 88 8 800
Francesville 13 2 790
Hanging Grove 25 20 886
Salt Creek Commons 195 14 817
Kingsbury 11 6 810
Scipio 427 12 839
Kewanna 37 10 773
Newton County 609 6 812
Oregon 156 6 802
LaPorte County 8,517 11 817
Walkerton 155 11 801
La Paz 27 9 789
Mount Ayr 0 0 785
Medaryville 11 3 790
Barkley 51 10 838