
Read about what plays a Big Role in Bargersville, Indiana Home Insurance to understand what drives rates & to get a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Bargersville, IN the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Bargersville 3980 1 850
Morgantown 734 12 798
Homecroft 506 3 834
Flat Rock 1,303 4 831
Warren 76,473 8 805
Buck Creek 6,507 5 848
Danville 6,702 2 838
Williams Creek 290 0 1,277
Columbus 35,640 4 832
Cordry Sweetwater Lakes 1,230 6 843
Clifford 228 11 775
Eagle 649 0 912
Marion County 701,805 7 817
Franklin 39,582 4 832
Trafalgar 768 5 825
Benton 2,691 3 853
Moral 3,757 6 847
Spring Lake 294 4 817
Hendricks County 110,907 3 845
Clermont 1,189 9 811
Hendricks 823 5 814

Better incomes in Bargersville, IN lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Bargersville 31,253 850
Spring Lake 30,977 817
Brown County 25,787 839
Ashland 27,679 835
Flat Rock 27,012 831
Indianapolis 24,182 817
Johnson County 28,737 834
New Whiteland 20,824 799
Hamblen 26,916 838
Trafalgar 19,125 825
Buck Creek 31,929 848
New Palestine 32,705 862
Decatur 21,180 811
Guilford 26,715 838
Princes Lakes 25,282 820
Lawrence 28,391 837
Bethany 21,913 774
Lincoln 29,227 838
Meridian Hills 70,932 1,051
Shelby County 25,017 825
Brownsburg 29,338 832

More poverty in Bargersville, IN means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Bargersville 585 11 850
Clermont 115 8 811
Stilesville 30 11 806
Trafalgar 108 9 825
Martinsville 2,287 19 805
Clayton 84 8 829
Carmel 2,449 3 935
Hensley 254 7 840
Haw Creek 313 8 808
Whiteland 168 3 822
Hendricks 71 6 814
Brown County 1,990 13 839
Brownsburg 1,050 4 832
Mooresville 1,077 11 821
Flat Rock 224 13 831
Washington 18,031 13 851
Baker 0 0 852
Hendricks County 6,917 4 845
Shelbyville 2,931 16 798
Johnson County 12,783 9 834
Columbus 6,064 13 832

Advanced Education levels in Bargersville, IN implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Bargersville 739 21 850
Speedway 1,498 18 822
Guilford 3,560 18 838
Nineveh 192 7 837
Stilesville 10 5 806
Gosport 31 5 804
Brownsburg 4,037 27 832
McCordsville 1,069 35 869
Edinburgh 155 5 796
Spring Hill 30 30 905
Addison 1,293 9 805
Needham 745 16 851
Martinsville 511 6 805
Amo 32 12 802
Clayton 106 16 829
Cordry Sweetwater Lakes 85 7 843
Paragon 4 1 801
Blue River 138 4 798
Warren 8,233 12 805
Columbus 5,132 16 832
Bethany 29 32 774