
Study the bigger picture of the Rossville, IN home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Rossville, IN the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Rossville 1170 1 815
Windfall City 496 9 783
Round Grove 245 8 823
Wabash 52,669 4 849
Tippecanoe County 141,537 5 825
New Richmond 398 5 797
Carroll County 15,817 6 810
Burlington 1,380 4 815
Kempton 256 5 776
Tipton County 12,731 5 807
Battle Ground 950 5 814
Miami 1,192 7 804
Idaville 498 18 792
Lauramie 1,951 3 851
Deer Creek 3,730 8 809
Bunker Hill 617 11 775
Shadeland 1,372 2 839
Reynolds 431 7 799
Russiaville 819 7 808
Burnettsville 259 1 787
Royal Center 698 4 782

Better incomes in Rossville, IN lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Rossville 20269 815
West Point 28,604 799
Grissom AFB 15,968 788
Michigantown 23,582 799
Wabash 19,454 849
Russiaville 25,327 808
Sharpsville 21,922 793
Fairfield 21,752 803
Boone County 37,018 860
Lauramie 31,318 851
Ulen 72,970 929
Cicero 25,013 804
Shelby 36,615 854
Wolcott 21,404 794
Burnettsville 23,934 787
Carroll County 24,357 810
Democrat 29,926 852
Wea 24,485 822
Kirklin 21,316 801
Americus 17,300 839
Delphi 17,084 790

More poverty in Rossville, IN means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Rossville 156 10 815
Reynolds 57 9 799
Montgomery County 6,210 16 810
Cass County 6,197 16 790
Shelby 6 0 854
Ulen 0 0 929
Flora 193 9 797
Waynetown 111 11 787
Round Grove 9 2 823
Darlington 123 15 790
Russiaville 89 8 808
Norway 160 33 788
Bethlehem 47 9 782
Howard 362 13 819
Burlington 184 9 815
Mellott 25 14 776
Logan 503 13 797
Medina 14 3 813
Walton 85 10 793
Howard County 13,007 15 806
Colfax 64 9 794

Advanced Education levels in Rossville, IN implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Rossville 124 11 815
Newtown 1 0 765
Burnettsville 15 6 787
Americus 41 11 839
Shelby 414 25 854
Wolcott 48 7 794
Yeoman 6 10 797
Waynetown 38 5 787
Clinton County 1,960 9 804
Camden 23 4 786
Windfall City 38 8 783
Colburn 0 0 816
Fairfield 5,146 15 803
Chalmers 38 13 804
Reynolds 19 5 799
Shadeland 195 16 839
Linden 57 11 790
Michigantown 33 12 799
Wingate 14 8 783
Taylor 948 14 815
Grissom AFB 68 5 788