
Your location in Daleville, IN impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Daleville, IN the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Daleville 1393 8 794
Fowlerton 208 5 786
Middletown 1,897 11 791
Yorktown 7,348 4 826
Frankton 1,403 6 793
Monroe 7,015 5 799
Lewisville 278 2 779
Atlanta 450 8 806
Gaston 614 6 778
Orestes 335 17 786
Dalton 429 2 822
Hamilton 5,438 5 821
Blountsville 73 4 771
McCordsville 3,552 2 869
Farmland 1,221 7 786
Anderson 44,900 8 789
Mill 8,628 6 791
Modoc 275 6 776
Summitville 815 6 790
Shirley 669 6 789
Niles 1,167 3 812

Better incomes in Daleville, IN lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Daleville 21019 794
Hartford City 20,913 778
Delaware County 21,119 800
Spiceland 21,013 813
Fairmount 20,208 791
Straughn 15,930 776
Hancock County 28,807 843
Summitville 19,426 790
Springport 14,842 801
Shamrock Lakes 29,316 827
Knightstown 21,918 798
Noblesville 30,757 847
Dudley 22,583 826
Buck Creek 31,929 848
Kennard 15,667 781
Henry County 19,487 799
Upland 14,205 817
Muncie 17,066 787
Mount Pleasant 30,353 826
Chesterfield 19,047 785
Dalton 25,274 822

More poverty in Daleville, IN means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Daleville 142 7 794
Blackford County 2,052 16 785
Upland 269 10 817
Greenfield 2,357 11 819
Dublin 114 16 789
Lewisville 47 14 779
Pendleton 296 8 835
Hamilton County 12,760 4 882
McCordsville 423 9 869
Point Isabel 18 21 833
Orestes 131 31 786
Redkey 179 16 771
Hartford City 1,122 18 778
Hamilton 441 6 821
Madison County 20,450 16 800
Elwood 1,630 19 789
Woodlawn Heights 0 0 897
Dunkirk 530 21 773
Duck Creek 76 10 833
Dunreith 49 30 787
Greensboro 185 10 809

Advanced Education levels in Daleville, IN implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Daleville 124 10 794
Lewisville 16 7 779
Woodlawn Heights 14 25 897
Shamrock Lakes 68 27 827
Fall Creek 13,226 42 892
Randolph County 1,352 7 788
Stony Creek 417 15 814
Frankton 132 10 793
Gas City 355 8 790
Monroe 615 10 799
Economy 0 0 773
Hartford City 280 6 778
Fowlerton 13 7 786
Arcadia 59 6 795
New Castle 794 6 783
Dudley 58 7 826
Selma 38 7 789
Mill 640 8 791
Middletown 143 8 791
Henry County 3,202 9 799
Losantville 7 4 776