
Where we Live in Cowley County, Kansas counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Cowley County, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Cowley County 28487 4 970
Foraker, OK 11 0 1,322
Salem 7,158 5 990
Newkirk, OK 2,852 3 1,422
Ponca City, OK 22,510 5 1,432
Seventy-Six 79 0 779
Otter Creek 220 0 945
Burbank, OK 136 10 1,379
Towanda 2,078 7 971
Pleasant Valley 734 1 993
Oaklawn-Sunview 2,210 10 933
Vernon 407 5 964
Atlanta 200 6 936
Winfield 9,976 4 969
Pleasant 3,924 3 1,017
McConnell AFB 1,063 1 908
Kaw City, OK 755 4 1,429
Elk County 2,364 4 946
Rosalia 473 4 988
Chautauqua 71 7 933
London 722 3 1,032

Better incomes in Cowley County, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Cowley County 21,245 970
Shidler, OK 19,487 1,386
Richland 26,171 1,013
Summit 16,449 915
South Haven 24,032 954
Burden 17,698 939
Dexter 23,542 949
Riverside 22,251 984
Rockford 29,451 1,016
Creswell 30,456 990
Gore 27,990 994
Elk Falls 18,834 1,014
Silver Creek 19,897 953
Spring 24,709 993
Wellington 21,202 958
Pleasant Valley 25,577 993
Hendricks 17,404 925
Latham 16,670 923
Harmon 17,778 983
Howard 18,459 938
Moline 15,609 945

More poverty in Cowley County, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Cowley County 6217 18 970
Guelph 6 4 1,003
Winfield 2,060 18 969
Udall 335 34 957
Lafayette 0 0 908
Rosalia 36 5 988
London 72 8 1,032
Union Center 0 0 1,174
Wellington 1,497 18 958
Dexter 47 11 949
Parkerfield 16 4 992
Chautauqua 26 32 933
Avon 12 3 1,013
Douglass 157 6 977
Summit 0 0 915
Riverside 2,017 14 984
Webb City, OK 12 23 1,379
Ponca City, OK 5,027 17 1,432
Kay County, OK 7,992 17 1,422
Belle Plaine 332 10 979
Salem 1,083 11 990

Advanced Education levels in Cowley County, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Cowley County 2872 12 970
Newkirk, OK 266 10 1,422
Burbank, OK 3 2 1,379
Cedar Vale 42 12 932
El Dorado 1,028 13 972
Parkerfield 45 20 992
Harmon 0 0 983
Seventy-Six 0 0 779
Grainola, OK 4 16 1,391
Silverdale 10 3 1,082
Augusta 968 16 979
Creswell 209 13 990
Benton 220 15 1,033
Douglass 185 11 977
Sumner County 2,154 13 970
Pleasant Valley 52 8 993
Greenfield 30 11 992
Elgin 4 4 928
Silver Creek 43 9 953
McConnell AFB 74 12 908
Towanda 250 15 971