
Get a wider perspective on the Ellis County, Kansas home insurance market to save your money.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Ellis County, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Ellis County 23093 3 1009
Victoria 896 1 979
Ness County 2,543 1 947
Ransom 231 4 935
Paradise 102 0 918
Buckeye 412 0 1,039
Round Mound 22 0 917
Waring 83 3 951
Dorrance 122 9 941
Damar 168 1 973
Bow Creek 37 0 963
Big Creek 1,539 2 1,061
Woodston 139 5 915
Bryant 33 0 902
Hancock 45 0 904
Hoisington 1,987 1 945
Winterset 45 0 1,033
Shiley 35 0 987
Lucas 423 1 950
Ash Valley 76 0 980
Cleveland 35 0 968

Better incomes in Ellis County, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Ellis County 24,625 1,009
Pioneer 23,108 933
Buckeye 29,171 1,039
Lookout 23,010 1,014
Woodston 12,898 915
Round Mound 39,123 917
Stockton 22,476 953
Russell 22,391 954
Alexander 28,879 918
Great Bend 25,883 971
Schoenchen 21,085 974
Big Timber 30,831 943
Millbrook 30,993 931
Odin 31,953 926
Winterset 17,685 1,033
Delhi 32,814 1,003
Nicodemus 18,264 1,272
Highpoint 72,100 966
Bunker Hill 18,835 948
Victoria 23,148 979
Otis 23,316 933

More poverty in Ellis County, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Ellis County 4126 15 1009
Damar 24 10 973
Forrester 24 20 953
Great Bend 2,858 18 971
Olmitz 11 9 951
Susank 2 4 928
Big Timber 9 6 943
Hill City 123 7 963
Alexander 2 5 918
Belle Prairie 2 2 922
Lone Star 6 2 942
Wilcox 0 0 908
Palco 19 10 936
Odin 3 3 926
Waring 3 3 951
Buffalo 19 2 937
McCracken 9 3 929
North Homestead 10 11 992
Barton County 4,010 14 963
Kill Creek 7 63 908
Morlan 5 5 961

Advanced Education levels in Ellis County, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Ellis County 3620 20 1009
Plymouth 28 15 956
Collyer 43 21 959
Albert 22 18 959
Alton 7 9 923
Rush Center 0 0 948
Bogue 20 18 951
Bazine 41 10 923
Barton County 2,396 13 963
Herzog 104 18 973
Bison 24 14 939
Mount Ayr 9 60 916
Nevada 27 8 932
Luray 65 26 940
Conkling 12 63 908
Covert 0 0 908
Catharine 0 0 908
Waring 3 3 951
Dorrance 5 4 941
Paradise 16 16 918
Brownell 3 7 920