
Here is what is significant in Morris County, Kansas Home Insurance so you can use it to get a cheap rate from multiple companies.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Morris County, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Morris County 4798 3 966
Matfield 52 5 954
Mission Creek 267 0 957
Doyle 24 0 909
Moore 28 17 956
Americus 1,135 1 979
Parkerville 48 2 921
Wildcat 850 0 1,127
Herington 2,014 3 954
Bushong 35 8 940
Hillsboro 2,366 2 969
Falls 1,085 3 966
Abilene 5,173 2 987
Lyon County 26,984 4 977
Durham 98 5 938
Dunlap 21 4 928
Newbury 686 2 986
Chase County 2,232 3 973
Ivy 109 5 947
Chapman 1,239 1 995
Plumb 527 0 955

Better incomes in Morris County, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Morris County 24,528 966
Toledo 28,005 1,020
Overland 39,513 929
Wabaunsee 35,148 1,027
Rinehart 15,362 989
Pike 24,060 967
Council Grove 21,607 956
Blakely 45,906 968
Detroit 24,219 996
Madison 16,237 994
Cheever 45,338 922
Fort Riley 14,567 909
Moore 27,119 956
Wildcat 46,782 1,127
Herington 19,866 954
Centre 37,377 1,009
Manhattan 21,665 1,036
Paxico 21,098 975
Chapman 25,961 995
Falls 18,558 966
Agnes City 18,794 951

More poverty in Morris County, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Morris County 464 8 966
Matfield 14 22 954
Harveyville 56 19 958
Agnes City 88 16 951
Wingfield 0 0 993
Marion County 1,354 11 971
Marion 362 17 954
Wildcat 13 1 1,127
Fairplay 0 0 1,057
Holland 4 5 989
Elmdale 0 0 937
Fremont 18 2 1,044
Matfield Green 14 28 968
Republican 133 10 1,018
Mission Creek 0 0 957
Bushong 0 0 940
Ivy 17 11 947
Milford 36 2 1,064
Clear Creek 83 14 951
White City 51 7 972
Risley 0 0 953

Advanced Education levels in Morris County, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Morris County 397 9 966
Clear Creek 52 13 951
Carlton 8 33 890
Manhattan 6,699 27 1,036
Republican 108 13 1,018
Homestead 0 0 909
Matfield Green 9 22 968
Lincolnville 26 16 932
Newbern 0 0 1,011
Plumb 57 12 955
Agnes City 95 30 951
Milford 129 11 1,064
Bazaar 0 0 1,120
Wilmington 66 13 969
Rinehart 6 19 989
Doyle 0 0 909
Moore 0 0 956
Mission Creek 70 27 957
Eskridge 54 14 961
Cedar Point 0 0 949
Hillsboro 279 16 969