
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Paola, Kansas Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Paola, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Paola 4087 5 998
Franklin 2,217 6 1,008
Putnam 342 1 968
Pottawatomie 577 3 999
West Dolan, MO 675 4 1,022
Wellsville 1,436 5 999
Lane 217 6 964
Elkhart, MO 261 1 994
Adrian, MO 1,598 4 941
Amoret, MO 107 8 904
Louisburg 3,131 6 1,013
Peoria 527 0 1,044
Palmyra 5,758 2 1,039
Princeton 216 5 960
Linwood 175 6 975
Grandview, MO 19,097 7 957
Linn Valley 622 3 968
Douglas County 92,080 5 1,039
Eudora 5,315 5 1,031
Franklin County 19,895 4 995
Belton, MO 17,067 5 970

Better incomes in Paola, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Paola 23,326 998
Amoret, MO 11,464 904
Greenwood 26,542 986
Liberty 31,611 972
Sherman 28,671 1,064
Garnett 18,916 950
Franklin 25,503 1,008
McCamish 35,773 1,111
Paris 29,256 923
Sugar Creek 38,465 1,061
Loch Lloyd, MO 108,376 1,476
Grandview, MO 20,510 957
Ten Mile 33,235 1,083
Pleasanton 17,477 958
West Line, MO 23,476 953
Grand River, MO 24,411 985
Riverview Estates, MO 27,907 1,116
Belton, MO 21,975 970
Fontana 19,765 993
Palmyra 27,571 1,039
Baldwin City 24,341 1,010

More poverty in Paola, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Paola 730 13 998
Austin, MO 277 13 962
Olathe 8,849 7 1,051
Linwood 16 7 975
Richmond 113 17 964
Archie, MO 213 17 961
McCamish 69 7 1,111
Homewood 0 0 1,032
Amsterdam, MO 49 18 933
Valley 73 5 1,038
Eudora 348 4 1,031
Willow Springs 236 16 1,072
Freeman, MO 59 9 948
Gardner 728 3 1,023
Linn Valley 43 5 968
Amoret, MO 83 52 904
Franklin County 3,078 12 995
Centropolis 0 0 1,044
Sherman 92 3 1,064
Mount Pleasant, MO 2,400 11 975
Ottawa 1,940 16 989

Advanced Education levels in Paola, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Paola 598 17 998
Putnam 100 36 968
Drexel, MO 69 9 963
Walker 73 22 949
Merriam 1,885 24 1,024
Wellsville 210 17 999
Homer, MO 12 4 943
Deer Creek, MO 125 7 966
Monroe 28 10 997
Palmyra 1,032 21 1,039
Wakarusa 374 25 1,079
Shawnee 11,735 28 1,056
Loch Lloyd, MO 274 54 1,476
Dolan, MO 120 10 999
Peoria 30 5 1,044
Ten Mile 177 17 1,083
Sherman 279 15 1,064
Riverview Estates, MO 5 7 1,116
Miami County 3,509 16 1,030
Linwood 14 9 975
Peculiar, MO 742 14 1,009