
A Look at what matters in Valley Center, Kansas Home Insurance to help you focus on the right things to lower your quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Valley Center, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Valley Center 4674 3 1001
Waco 515 2 974
Emma 3,310 4 1,011
Butler County 50,183 4 1,001
Oaklawn-Sunview 2,210 10 933
Gypsum 5,577 6 1,072
Spring 1,280 1 993
Moundridge 1,441 4 990
Haysville 8,043 4 984
Hesston 2,836 4 1,001
Yoder 490 0 969
Potwin 382 3 961
Attica 4,577 4 1,015
Park City 5,511 4 984
Ohio 1,506 0 1,044
Grand River 502 1 1,074
Meridian 179 1 1,023
Murdock 342 0 1,005
Wichita 290,720 6 996
Bentley 355 11 994
Afton 1,061 1 1,069

Better incomes in Valley Center, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Valley Center 21,510 1,001
Conway 19,534 983
Lake 35,876 1,010
Elbing 26,665 989
Waco 22,806 974
London 25,670 1,032
Augusta 22,615 979
Maize 24,452 984
Clifford 22,730 964
Attica 27,535 1,015
Butler County 27,081 1,001
Vinita 33,108 1,000
Newton 22,170 978
Milton 27,101 1,002
Maple 20,634 981
Darlington 31,413 1,021
Bel Aire 30,114 1,012
Towanda 30,775 971
Little River 21,403 988
Minneha 59,046 1,088
Branch 30,498 1,019

More poverty in Valley Center, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Valley Center 609 9 1001
Sedgwick 129 6 980
Alta 0 0 1,005
Garden Plain 80 4 1,022
Walnut 13 1 1,019
Bloomington 48 7 1,035
Andover 312 2 1,030
Ninnescah 148 4 1,011
Lake 0 0 1,010
Goessel 70 14 967
Viola 17 2 1,068
Conway 326 21 983
Sumner 11 1 958
Moundridge 123 7 990
Spring 60 4 993
Cheney 116 5 994
Eastborough 53 7 1,116
Afton 11 0 1,069
Douglass 157 6 977
Mound 269 12 992
Park City 893 12 984

Advanced Education levels in Valley Center, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Valley Center 757 19 1001
Catlin 15 8 952
Albion 113 17 961
Derby 3,435 24 1,017
Pleasant 719 21 1,017
Grand River 41 9 1,074
Clifford 9 9 964
Goessel 32 8 967
Gypsum 903 22 1,072
Walnut 104 14 1,019
Clay 256 17 981
Grant 750 25 1,023
Rockford 3,408 23 1,016
Plum Grove 33 7 952
Riverside 1,239 14 984
Rose Hill 484 19 1,004
Darlington 116 24 1,021
Sumner 37 8 958
Afton 204 21 1,069
Menno 35 13 1,036
Haysville 818 12 984