
Here is what is significant in Marion County, Kansas Home Insurance so you can use it to get a cheap rate from multiple companies.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Marion County, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Marion County 10054 3 971
Ridge 125 0 947
Clark 90 3 926
Carlton 26 0 890
Bazaar 40 0 1,120
Tampa 93 0 941
Clear Creek 458 2 951
Holland 70 0 989
Newton 15,041 4 978
Hillsboro 2,366 2 969
Elbing 174 0 989
Murdock 342 0 1,005
Goessel 414 7 967
Milton 850 1 1,002
Strong 516 3 945
Lehigh 168 1 942
Elmdale 34 8 937
Enterprise 637 6 959
Falls 1,085 3 966
Diamond Creek 173 1 1,021
Woodbine 140 14 972

Better incomes in Marion County, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Marion County 21,827 971
Battle Hill 62,971 1,019
Groveland 31,947 1,067
Lehigh 20,808 942
Whitewater 20,939 979
McPherson County 27,161 995
Bonaville 46,270 989
Empire 27,705 991
Hesston 22,923 1,001
Smoky View 23,827 989
Holland 24,518 989
Fairplay 30,544 1,057
Turkey Creek 42,400 1,025
Elbing 26,665 989
Hillsboro 20,057 969
Bazaar 47,693 1,120
White City 20,829 972
Murdock 22,652 1,005
Kipp 29,150 909
Goessel 18,300 967
Canton 23,765 978

More poverty in Marion County, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Marion County 1354 11 971
Herington 421 16 954
Kipp 0 0 909
McPherson County 2,237 8 995
Smoky View 127 11 989
Diamond Creek 18 10 1,021
Overland 0 0 929
Morris County 464 8 966
Dickinson County 2,205 11 988
Toledo 30 7 1,020
Wilsey 8 5 924
Ridge 0 0 947
Clear Creek 83 14 951
Murdock 43 12 1,005
Groveland 0 0 1,067
Sedgwick 129 6 980
Lost Springs 39 19 978
Bazaar 0 0 1,120
Carlton 4 13 890
Chelsea 18 6 977
Moore 0 0 956

Advanced Education levels in Marion County, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Marion County 1172 13 971
White City 18 4 972
Battle Hill 10 17 1,019
Strong 54 12 945
Moore 0 0 956
Lost Springs 5 3 978
Overland 0 0 929
Smoky View 122 18 989
McPherson County 3,328 16 995
Bazaar 0 0 1,120
Hope 55 14 957
Branch 105 15 991
Falls 140 15 966
Halstead 229 17 983
Rinehart 6 19 989
King City 27 9 1,028
Delmore 27 11 1,039
Turkey Creek 54 19 1,025
Gale 45 19 972
Dickinson County 1,798 13 988
Kipp 0 0 909