
Your location in Baker, KS impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Baker, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Baker 2756 2 1015
Drywood 148 20 919
Waco, MO 68 0 943
Mineral, MO 6,591 3 967
Arcadia 286 6 932
Duquesne, MO 1,317 3 968
Nashville, MO 245 2 924
Loma Linda, MO 650 2 1,063
Bronaugh, MO 163 9 918
Brooklyn Heights, MO 107 1 939
Mineral 180 16 949
Girard 2,281 4 963
Silver Creek, MO 571 1 1,001
Treece 100 0 923
, MO 441 2 927
Baxter Springs 3,349 3 960
Roseland 77 0 953
Crawford County 31,459 4 972
Liberal, MO 560 8 920
Cherokee 436 0 959
Mulberry 465 5 930

Better incomes in Baker, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Baker 29270 1015
Carterville, MO 15,019 929
Oronogo, MO 21,112 974
Walnut Grove 32,636 978
Mineral, MO 22,787 967
Brooklyn Heights, MO 22,959 939
Scammon 19,034 964
Carl Junction, MO 23,830 975
Galena, MO 23,001 956
Frontenac 20,921 987
Riverton 23,158 979
Peoria, OK 16,311 1,409
Loma Linda, MO 37,326 1,063
Northfork, MO 20,623 970
Barton County, MO 19,429 942
Irwin, MO 17,048 922
Hepler 13,286 913
Ladore 14,816 969
Stark 18,936 946
Purcell, MO 15,945 937
Crawford County 20,508 972

More poverty in Baker, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Baker 215 6 1015
Baxter Springs 744 17 960
Girard 331 13 963
Carterville, MO 427 24 929
Miami, OK 55 14 1,385
Leroy, MO 65 26 917
Montana 5 2 923
Shoal Creek Drive, MO 37 12 951
Duquesne, MO 258 16 968
Picher, OK 19 15 1,418
Parsons 1,996 19 947
Barton City, MO 66 27 1,018
Mineral 112 45 949
Mineral, MO 809 8 967
McCune 136 32 943
Shoal Creek, MO 1,515 11 981
Dennis Acres, MO 12 18 938
Barton County, MO 2,388 19 942
Sheridan 185 11 970
Stark 14 24 946
Chicopee 16 5 970

Advanced Education levels in Baker, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Baker 627 26 1015
Barton County, MO 772 9 942
Cherokee County 1,284 8 964
Carl Junction, MO 1,086 24 975
Crawford 70 14 1,021
Leroy, MO 0 0 917
Hepler 2 1 913
City, MO 249 8 935
West Mineral 10 5 928
Chetopa 74 9 937
Purcell, MO 21 7 937
Sheridan 130 11 970
Duenweg, MO 91 14 938
Stark 5 16 946
Columbus 241 11 947
Barton City, MO 57 38 1,018
Spring Valley 26 3 950
Salamanca 134 34 1,011
Liberal, MO 32 6 920
Nashville, MO 25 12 924
Duquesne, MO 144 12 968