
Read about what plays a Big Role in Plains, KS Home Insurance to understand what drives rates & to get a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Plains, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Plains 896 1 975
Sodville 96 7 1,085
Ashland 754 0 946
Kismet 304 6 975
Fowler 524 1 965
Seward County 16,361 6 967
May, OK 25 0 1,438
Appleton 614 0 966
Concord 146 0 1,040
Foote 27 0 887
Darrouzett, TX 285 2 992
Hooker, OK 2,937 2 1,430
East Hess 293 3 961
Haskell 1,530 1 982
Stevens County 4,033 2 971
Sitka 25 0 953
Spearville 910 1 973
Finney County 26,049 2 989
Southside 284 0 1,021
Cimarron 1,933 3 989
Mertilla 140 0 1,036

Better incomes in Plains, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Plains 20031 975
Tyrone, OK 16,256 1,407
Gate, OK 48,911 1,390
Haskell 25,717 982
Harper County, OK 23,056 1,411
Beaver County, OK 23,795 1,408
Deerfield 17,003 964
Hardesty, OK 13,084 1,408
Moscow 20,111 963
Knowles, OK 76,843 1,510
Protection 16,349 956
Texas County, OK 21,847 1,437
Englewood 65,931 935
Kendall 14,569 1,102
Mullinville 19,081 948
Cimarron 24,272 989
Minneola 19,688 966
Royal 49,111 1,137
Grandview 20,144 1,001
Kearny County 21,298 979
Concord 31,577 1,040

More poverty in Plains, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Plains 175 14 975
Sherlock 379 13 1,014
Englewood 45 35 935
Deerfield 92 14 964
Finney County 4,887 13 989
Hallet 0 0 998
Kendall 0 0 1,102
Turpin, OK 66 12 1,382
Fowler 76 12 965
Ensign 42 21 950
Richfield 50 15 966
Grant County 899 11 976
South Roscoe 0 0 1,022
Meade 144 9 972
Haskell 180 9 982
Darrouzett, TX 18 4 992
Seward County 3,896 17 967
Guymon, OK 1,780 12 1,441
Gate, OK 0 0 1,390
Meade County 417 9 972
Harper County, OK 455 12 1,411

Advanced Education levels in Plains, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Plains 68 9 975
Clark County 268 17 952
Cimarron 274 17 989
Big Bow 61 37 1,020
Wilburn 18 26 1,163
Darrouzett, TX 57 22 992
Stevens County 401 10 971
Laverne, OK 123 10 1,423
Sawlog 0 0 1,024
Rosston, OK 0 0 1,414
Hugoton 313 11 961
Jetmore 99 15 962
Liberal 897 7 977
Lincoln 557 13 971
Grant County 609 13 976
Royal 0 0 1,137
Beaver County, OK 506 13 1,408
Gate, OK 3 6 1,390
Guymon, OK 1,501 16 1,441
Finney County 2,700 12 989
Ivanhoe 17 6 944