
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Americus, KS Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Americus, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Americus 1135 1 979
Homestead 25 0 909
Agnes City 378 8 951
Arvonia 75 0 1,384
Overland 32 0 929
Cottonwood 49 0 1,061
Neosho Rapids 217 3 945
Plumb 527 0 955
Waterloo 122 0 948
Quenemo 374 10 938
Zeandale 214 3 959
Burlingame 1,380 2 968
Mission Creek 267 0 957
Shell Rock 129 0 990
Eskridge 418 6 961
Scranton 804 6 952
Hartford 316 3 952
Matfield Green 40 7 968
Emporia 20,097 5 972
Ridgeway 1,864 5 983
Waverly 416 1 951

Better incomes in Americus, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Americus 21406 979
Fremont 31,410 1,044
Mission Creek 24,069 957
Emporia 17,826 972
Dragoon 30,117 970
Toledo 28,005 1,020
Allen 21,074 931
Alta Vista 18,241 950
Marion 20,111 954
Vassar 23,334 1,003
Barclay 52,967 1,014
Matfield 21,293 954
Paxico 21,098 975
Ridgeway 24,117 983
Wilmington 18,607 969
Bushong 10,994 940
Ottumwa 32,135 1,007
Melvern 22,363 980
Agnes City 18,794 951
Burlington 25,390 978
Reading 19,306 982

More poverty in Americus, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Americus 189 12 979
Elmdale 0 0 937
Toledo 30 7 1,020
Fremont 18 2 1,044
Pike 180 17 967
Woodbine 24 13 972
Falls 169 13 966
Wingfield 0 0 993
Hamilton 104 34 924
Melvern 76 10 980
Geary County 3,574 10 1,008
Allen 55 22 931
Neosho Rapids 55 20 945
Burlington 435 17 978
Zeandale 19 8 959
Homestead 0 0 909
Alta Vista 71 14 950
Herington 421 16 954
Lyon County 6,784 20 977
Agnes City 88 16 951
Quenemo 218 42 938

Advanced Education levels in Americus, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Americus 154 15 979
Agency 21 4 945
Dover 149 12 1,031
Elmdale 5 17 937
Dwight 8 5 950
Wabaunsee County 710 14 997
Marion 142 9 954
Waverly 50 14 951
Cottonwood Falls 107 14 953
Barclay 8 3 1,014
Eskridge 54 14 961
Ridgeway 271 16 983
Jackson 114 18 982
Overland 0 0 929
Morris County 397 9 966
Reading 47 14 982
Doyle 0 0 909
Geary County 2,475 13 1,008
Wabaunsee 87 24 1,027
Shell Rock 22 20 990
Alma 96 12 985