
Where we Live in Lane County, Kansas counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Lane County, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Lane County 1316 1 950
West Hibbard 37 0 968
Healy 199 0 937
La Crosse 1,243 5 966
WaKeeney 2,021 0 965
Oakley 1,721 2 974
Logan County 2,210 2 958
Springbrook 68 0 1,029
Alexander 34 2 918
Winona 270 0 931
Kenneth 1,135 1 966
Quinter 746 0 961
Shiley 35 0 987
Burdett 261 4 942
South Roscoe 52 0 1,022
Ransom 231 4 935
McCracken 208 9 929
Wright 127 0 963
Russell Springs 38 0 926
Ness County 2,543 1 947
Pierceville 375 0 994

Better incomes in Lane County, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Lane County 27,432 950
Holcomb 19,848 1,016
Marena 24,571 938
Browns Grove 21,843 937
Hampton-Fairview 34,395 952
Finney County 21,925 989
Alexander 28,879 918
Logan County 25,608 958
Burdett 22,539 942
Winona 22,738 931
Sherlock 20,529 1,014
WaKeeney 22,805 965
Fort Dodge 17,766 908
Paxton 14,061 916
La Crosse 23,201 966
Gray County 24,574 984
Foote 29,663 887
Wichita County 24,533 963
Scott County 27,248 988
Randall 34,204 967
Sawlog 27,103 1,024

More poverty in Lane County, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Lane County 142 8 950
Deerfield 92 14 964
Keystone 0 0 995
WaKeeney 180 7 965
Hampton-Fairview 9 2 952
Waring 3 3 951
East Saline 0 0 1,028
Jerome 0 0 971
Nevada 35 10 932
Sawlog 0 0 1,024
Collyer 12 4 959
Terry 0 0 974
Lakin 221 8 979
Holcomb 249 11 1,016
Wichita County 205 9 963
East Hibbard 0 0 1,045
Belle Prairie 2 2 922
Ivanhoe 15 4 944
Dodge City 4,823 18 972
Cheyenne 12 3 949
Scott City 303 7 971

Advanced Education levels in Lane County, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Lane County 166 14 950
Garden City 1,870 12 987
Sawmill 0 0 909
Nevada 27 8 932
Jetmore 99 15 962
Dighton 115 14 949
Spearville 139 17 973
WaKeeney 249 13 965
Finney County 2,700 12 989
Browns Grove 58 25 937
Marienthal 0 0 960
East Hibbard 10 22 1,045
Logan County 257 13 958
Trego County 304 14 960
Brownell 3 7 920
Jerome 18 26 971
Southside 25 11 1,021
Ness County 305 12 947
Royal 0 0 1,137
Ivanhoe 17 6 944
Isbel 19 22 1,204