
Understand the socioeconomic Factors around your Seneca, KS home to save money on your homeowners insurance rate.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Seneca, KS the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Seneca 1572 2 985
Kickapoo Site 7 30 13 908
Bigelow 61 0 971
Kickapoo Site 6 10 70 909
Straight Creek 217 0 982
Whiting 357 1 959
Onaga 541 1 960
Robinson 254 2 943
Richardson County, NE 6,773 4 908
Humboldt, NE 774 6 892
Red Vermillion 87 4 999
Kickapoo Site 2 34 0 935
Kickapoo Tribal Center 160 5 932
Wetmore 349 3 955
Beattie 180 0 955
Hamlin 213 3 962
Marshall County 8,106 2 968
Kickapoo Site 5 8 0 994
Gilman 147 0 968
Wells 73 12 907
Nemaha 178 0 978

Better incomes in Seneca, KS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Seneca 26029 985
Holton 22,169 961
Kickapoo Site 1 8,263 940
Blue Rapids City 16,961 955
Summerfield 19,935 963
Benton, NE 22,750 994
Burchard, NE 24,614 892
Robinson 25,358 943
Murray 22,539 971
Balderson 21,596 769
Padonia 27,599 939
Nemaha County 23,926 973
Speiser, NE 40,849 982
Axtell 22,413 958
Everest 21,806 951
Red Vermillion 19,597 999
Dawson, NE 25,868 887
Kickapoo Tribal Center 14,358 932
Jackson County 24,693 996
Hiawatha 19,001 974
Banner 24,727 1,001

More poverty in Seneca, KS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Seneca 264 14 985
Netawaka 19 6 986
Morrill 88 19 951
Porter, NE 22 15 984
Adams 0 0 1,034
Pawnee City, NE 139 18 905
Vienna 7 7 1,087
Vermillion 125 15 952
Padonia 54 20 939
Reserve 16 34 931
Nemaha 15 6 978
Wheaton 7 3 960
Shubert, NE 28 17 885
Kickapoo Site 1 108 67 940
Summerfield 16 12 963
Nemaha County 1,174 12 973
Steinauer, NE 13 17 877
East Muddy, NE 28 12 884
Onaga 51 7 960
Burchard, NE 0 0 892
Balderson 16 22 769

Advanced Education levels in Seneca, KS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Seneca 132 9 985
Wells 20 27 907
Banner 2 1 1,001
Netawaka 12 6 986
Pawnee City, NE 57 9 905
Dawson, NE 15 13 887
Maple Grove, NE 2 2 1,016
Stella, NE 22 12 900
Reilly 0 0 1,069
Kickapoo Site 7 0 0 908
Marshall County 673 9 968
Berwick 40 17 1,040
Powhattan 57 11 944
East Muddy, NE 23 12 884
Pawnee County, NE 204 10 906
Blue Rapids City 74 9 955
Nemaha 12 8 978
Everest 35 18 951
Goff 15 22 928
Guittard 27 8 976
Bigelow 0 0 971