
Study the bigger picture of the Owensboro, Kentucky home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Owensboro, KY the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Owensboro 44889 4 753
Madisonville 22,814 4 746
Beaver Dam 5,768 3 752
Masonville 718 7 751
Spottsville 9,586 1 777
Robards 453 0 756
Warrick County, IN 45,978 4 831
Elberfeld, IN 507 7 796
Henderson County 36,514 5 753
Beech Grove 185 0 742
Troy, IN 9,537 4 799
Livermore 2,322 4 745
Hawesville 2,168 3 746
Vanderburgh County, IN 144,099 4 814
South Carrollton 96 2 741
Beda 2,630 4 748
Maceo 437 2 745
Hart, IN 1,163 5 809
Calhoun 2,757 2 745
Boonville, IN 5,012 5 792
Chandler, IN 2,158 8 793

Better incomes in Owensboro, KY lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Owensboro 21,379 753
Breckinridge County 17,868 745
Dixon 22,066 745
Lockhart, IN 21,427 769
Drakesboro 18,755 742
Tell City, IN 22,836 799
Ferdinand, IN 24,032 823
Daviess County 22,785 758
Boonville, IN 22,843 792
Hardinsburg 17,329 744
Hartford 17,384 744
Nebo 28,681 756
Spottsville 28,476 777
Mackey, IN 19,706 811
Bremen 21,503 737
Short Creek 24,546 757
Carter, IN 22,807 810
McLean County 20,494 743
Melody Hill, IN 30,820 831
Powderly 20,594 735
Horse Branch 17,300 749

More poverty in Owensboro, KY means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Owensboro 10425 18 753
Lockhart, IN 181 20 769
Robards 37 6 756
Chandler, IN 567 18 793
Calhoun 608 17 745
Santa Claus, IN 120 4 842
Perry County, IN 1,750 9 802
Greer, IN 99 5 800
Drakesboro 713 20 742
Beaver Dam 1,739 23 752
Lane, IN 11 5 772
Corydon 994 13 749
Island 215 20 728
Rosine 35 64 726
Philpot 2,211 8 774
Ohio, IN 3,206 8 843
Tobin, IN 17 3 802
Horse Branch 451 29 749
Short Creek 400 16 757
McHenry 80 14 728
Vanzant 138 9 763

Advanced Education levels in Owensboro, KY implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Owensboro 4129 10 753
Darmstadt, IN 215 21 860
Fordsville 89 3 732
Chrisney, IN 29 8 790
Rockport 74 4 731
Skelton, IN 18 1 801
Hart, IN 60 5 809
Santa Claus, IN 295 16 842
Robards 29 7 756
Lewisport 294 13 748
Nebo 166 6 756
Spurgeon, IN 7 5 764
Pigeon, IN 1,159 5 780
Centertown 1 0 734
Troy, IN 565 6 799
Beda 101 4 748
Boonville, IN 473 10 792
Ohio County 787 4 742
Melody Hill, IN 454 17 831
Ohio, IN 5,599 22 843
Central City 247 4 739