
Your Adair County, Kentucky Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Adair County, KY the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Adair County 14923 5 741
Greensburg 3,415 5 740
Marion County 15,544 4 757
Wayne County 16,645 8 737
Eli 2,528 6 746
Larue County 11,407 5 753
Saloma 2,304 2 757
Fountain Run 1,854 3 736
Monticello 7,832 10 736
Liberty 4,870 5 736
Science Hill 3,945 2 754
Bryan 1,321 5 745
Edmonton 3,675 5 741
Hart County 14,386 6 744
Upton 649 5 748
Bonnieville 2,001 5 746
Summer Shade 2,422 3 744
Coopersville 878 8 740
Dividing Ridge 1,176 7 744
Somerset 29,781 5 768
Loretto 2,512 8 748

Better incomes in Adair County, KY lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Adair County 16,824 741
Hammonville 25,667 772
Marrowbone 7,729 731
Fountain Run 14,599 736
Eli 17,440 746
Monroe County 16,017 740
Hodgenville 18,117 748
Rocky Hill 19,010 759
Tracy 19,774 755
Horse Cave 18,436 732
Cumberland County 16,117 736
Coopersville 13,234 740
Casey Creek 16,776 733
Raywick 16,938 747
Columbia 16,909 752
Campbellsville 18,186 755
Middleburg 18,793 737
Bradfordsville 18,407 750
Gradyville 14,152 736
Powersburg 13,471 733
Celina, TN 13,589 786

More poverty in Adair County, KY means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Adair County 3636 20 741
Larue County 2,378 17 753
Hart County 4,251 23 744
Campbellsville 4,523 25 755
Casey County 4,255 27 745
Clay County, TN 1,528 19 789
Bonnieville 636 24 746
New Haven 580 15 747
Ferguson 338 32 749
Burkesville 1,199 29 739
Summer Shade 574 18 744
Clementsville 472 19 744
Hustonville 758 13 741
Gamaliel 121 32 735
Park City 87 16 737
Waynesburg 1,687 29 753
Mannsville 532 18 749
Mill Springs 549 12 744
Nancy 1,355 27 751
Gresham 166 10 727
Eli 842 27 746

Advanced Education levels in Adair County, KY implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Adair County 1062 8 741
Green County 397 4 737
Russell County 728 5 748
Coopersville 0 0 740
Cave City 231 5 742
Byrdstown, TN 42 5 777
Raywick 46 5 747
Science Hill 222 6 754
New Hope 0 0 702
Dividing Ridge 4 0 744
New Haven 189 7 747
Hardyville 150 6 747
Peytonsburg 132 6 733
Loretto 74 3 748
Washington County 630 8 759
Cumberland County 293 6 736
Park City 25 5 737
Middleburg 92 4 737
New Market 15 3 741
Waynesburg 87 2 753
Gradyville 104 7 736