
Your Carter County, Kentucky Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Carter County, KY the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Carter County 21989 5 741
Adams 2,200 3 747
Morehead 15,135 4 754
Carter 1,477 1 738
Clifford 2,020 9 742
Boyd County 40,116 5 753
Petersville 1,887 9 724
Vanceburg 3,288 2 724
Wayne, WV 2,112 4 878
Wrigley 1,746 5 735
Westwood 3,427 6 749
Lewis County 10,969 5 732
Morgan County 11,238 4 733
Upper Tygart 2,375 4 726
Coal Grove, OH 1,768 7 675
Grassy Creek 1,423 3 742
Lawrence County 12,618 5 743
Hanging Rock, OH 160 16 660
Hillsboro 3,178 5 746
Triplett 4,133 2 759
Greenup 6,564 5 748

Better incomes in Carter County, KY lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Carter County 18,992 741
Clarktown, OH 20,533 695
Franklin Furnace, OH 17,587 700
Isonville 13,215 726
Lavalette, WV 37,255 922
Grassy Creek 18,033 742
Ophir 16,751 718
Cannonsburg 26,380 788
Wayne County, WV 19,643 891
Concord 9,736 705
Frenchburg 14,112 736
Johnson County 19,358 741
Upper, OH 18,258 679
Windsor, OH 19,445 694
Portsmouth, OH 17,402 676
Union, WV 20,644 893
Grahn 14,833 742
Wrigley 15,579 735
Russell 31,977 785
West Liberty 15,828 763
Farmers 13,328 716

More poverty in Carter County, KY means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Carter County 5456 20 741
Nippa 673 21 763
Carter 303 16 738
Lavalette, WV 23 2 922
Vanceburg 1,287 33 724
Aid, OH 0 0 675
Petersville 799 33 724
Triplett 1,102 22 759
West Portsmouth, OH 505 16 669
Sandy Hook 1,439 32 739
Raceland 462 16 747
Worthington 211 14 747
Clarktown, OH 65 6 695
Prichard, WV 15 3 880
Portsmouth, OH 5,966 31 676
Morehead 5,041 32 754
Flatgap 535 21 734
Isonville 826 36 726
Ophir 652 28 718
Huntington, WV 13,621 29 896
Wrigley 775 32 735

Advanced Education levels in Carter County, KY implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Carter County 876 4 741
Portsmouth, OH 1,402 10 676
Rosemount, OH 192 12 693
Aid, OH 59 8 675
Vanceburg 137 4 724
Concord 34 22 705
Ophir 74 4 718
Upper, OH 911 8 679
Clarktown, OH 58 8 695
Farmers 0 0 716
Lawrence County 536 4 743
Grassy Creek 41 3 742
Elliott County 221 4 742
Rowan County 1,519 11 758
Carter 32 2 738
Tygarts Valley 83 3 737
Louisa 336 6 752
Blaine 39 3 738
Nippa 169 7 763
Isonville 135 9 726
Lakeview Heights 35 20 791